Baldur's Gate 3 Helsik Ritual: How To Reach The Hell Of Avernus

To access the Hell of Avernus in Baldur's Gate 3, you must complete the Helsik Ritual. Here's a simple guide to help you do the Helsik Ritual successfully!

Baldurs Gate
Helsik Ritual: How to reach the Hell of Avernus in Baldur's Gate 3 | © Larian Studios

In Baldur's Gate 3, there are lots of hidden surprises to discover, including places like the Hell of Avernus. To reach this place, you'll need to do the Helsik Ritual just right to open up a portal. But don't worry, we're here to guide you through performing the Helsik Ritual correctly.

Warning, this article contains spoilers!

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How To Perform The Helsik Ritual In Baldur's Gate 3

To perform the Helsik Ritual in Baldur's Gate 3, head to the Devil's Fee shop in the Lower City (coordinates X:-39; Y:-9). Many players probably don't know this, especially if they have missed a few hints in the game. Here is a short breakdown, of how to find out where to go:

  • During the Free Orpheus and Deal with the Devil quests, you'll learn about entering Raphael's domain
  • In the House of Grief, there's a locked room with a note mentioning Helsik
  • While exploring the Lower City, you might just stumble upon the shop

Making A Deal With Helsik

Once you arrived at the Devil's Fee Shop, you need to make a deal with Helsik, who follows Mammon, the lord of greed. Pay her 100 gold each time to get information until you discuss the House of Hope.

Here are your options:

  • Pay 20,000 gold for the ritual items
  • Pass an Intimidation check to lower the price to 10,000 gold
  • Succeed in a Persuasion check by promising to retrieve the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength for her
Baldur's Gate 3 Helsik Devil's Fee Shop
Did you intimidate Helsik as well? | © Larian Studios

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Solving The Helsik Ritual Puzzle

Once you've decided how to handle the situation, Helsik will give you the items and a grimoire.

Read it for the clues:

  • Place the skull on the star point near the altar
  • Put the Coin of Mammon on the next point to the right
  • Skip one point clockwise, then place a diamond
  • Add the incense on the point after the diamond
  • Put the Infernal Marble in the center of the star

Now head to the second-floor room and check the demonic diagram. The starting point mentioned in the grimoire is Helsik's desk in the room's center. As for the items, open your inventory and drop them on the floor. Then drag them to the correct spots:

  • Skull: Top-center
  • Coin of Mammon: Top-right
  • Diamond: Lower-right
  • Incense: Lower-left
  • Infernal Marble: Center

Doing it correctly creates a portal, completing the Helsik Ritual in Baldur's Gate 3. This portal takes you to the fiery world of Avernus. Get ready for tough battles, and make sure your team is prepared, as you're entering Raphael's domain. Good luck!

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Ignacio Weil

Content creator for EarlyGame ES and connoisseur of indie and horror games! From the Dreamcast to PC, Ignacio has always had a passion for niche games and story-driven experiences....

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