Diablo 4 Endgame Guide: All Endgame Activities

Diablo 4 has a captivating campaign, but what to do after you completed it? Let's take a look at Diablo 4 endgame and what endgame activities there are to further level our character.

Diablo 4 endgame
World bosses are part of Diablo 4's endgame. | © Blizzard

Diablo 4 is great, in fact, it probably is the best Diablo ever made. By now, most people that are into ARPGs are probably already deep into the game, trying to stop Lilith from doing evil stuff (no spoilers here...). But after you finish the campaign, the game is only about to start.

As we all know, the campaign in any Diablo or ARPG is basically just to explain all the in-game mechanics, the endgame is where you will spend most of your time. But what endgame activities are there in Diablo 4? What can you do to further level up your paragon boards and grind for the best gear available? Let's take a look at Diablo 4's endgame and all available endgame activities.

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World Tiers & Capstone Dungeons

To start off, we need to quickly explain how World Tiers work and what Capstone Dungeons are. World Tiers in Diablo 4 are basically the difficulty levels. When you start a new game, you can only pick between World Tier 1 and 2. To unlock World Tier 3 and 4, you need to complete a Capstone Dungeon.

Those Capstone Dungeons have a specific level cap, World Tier 3 is Level 50 and World Tier 4 is Level 70. These Dungeons are designed specifically to test your skills and the gear of your character, to make sure you are ready for the higher difficulty. As soon as you complete the Capstone Dungeon, you are able to switch to a higher World Tier, either at the World Tier statue in Kyovashad or in the title screen of the game when you choose your character.

The higher the World Tier, the higher the bonus you will get on gold dropped and XP received, but also the higher the monster difficulty. Also, specific rarities and power levels of gear will only start dropping on higher World Tiers. To get the most out of your endgame grind, we recommend unlocking World Tier 3 as soon as possible and then work your way up to World Tier 4.

Diablo 4 Endgame Activities

Ok, so now that you have finished the campaign, reached level 50 and unlocked World Tier 3, you can get started with the Diablo 4 endgame. Here is a list and short explanation of all available Diablo 4 endgame activities.

The Tree Of Whispers & Grim Favors

Once you unlocked the Tree of Whispers in the north of Hawezar there will be so-called Grim Favor activities that you can complete. Those activities will appear in random regions on the map and be available for a limited time, before they get replaced by new ones.

Those activities can be just killing 100 enemies in a specific area, completing a dungeon or public event, or even killing a world boss. Depending on the difficulty of the Grim Favor you will be awarded with either one, three or five Whispers of the Dead. You can see how many whispers you collected at the bottom of the screen when you open the map.

After collecting a total of ten whispers, you can return to the Tree of Whispers and exchange them for one of three caches. You can choose which cache you want and they all include a bunch of loot and XP. What's great about those caches is that they will include slot-specific gear. There might for example be a cache that will specifically have chest armor as loot. So you can specifically grind for one specific slot.

Diablo 4 Tree of Whispers Location
Here you can find the Tree of Whispers. | © Blizzard

Nightmare Dungeons

After you enter the endgame, you will sooner or later find your first Nightmare Sigil. Those sigils can be found in the "Consumable" tab of your inventory, and when you activate one of them, it will turn a dungeon into a Nightmare Dungeon. Nightmare Dungeons are basically just harder versions of normal dungeons. Depending on the level of the Nightmare Sigil, it will add a certain number of modifiers to the dungeon that will make fighting through it way more difficult.

You can also salvage or craft Nightmare Sigils at the Occultists if you want them to be a specific level, but you will also constantly find new ones. Why do Nightmare Dungeons? Well, by completing Nightmare Dungeons, you can level up your Paragon Glyphs, which is super important if you want to perfect your build.


Helltides are another fun endgame activity. They will start appearing after you enter World Tier 3 and will cover a certain region on the map in red for exactly one hour (you can see how that looks like in the picture above with the Tree of Whispers). The monsters in those regions will be tougher than normal and drop Aberrant Cinders. World events, chests and even plants will also drop those cinders and you can see a counter for those Aberrant Cinders in the top right of your screen.

As long as the Helltide lasts, there will be certain chests holding slot-specific loot that can be opened by spending Aberrant Cinders. Depending on what slot-specific gear they are holding, opening the chest will cost between 75 and 125 Cinders.

However, there are also mystical chests, which aren't marked on the map. Those chests will hold significantly more loot, but aren't slot-specific. Opening one of the mystical chests will cost you a whopping 175 Cinders, but will most likely reward you with several legendaries.

Note: Make sure to spend all your Aberrant Cinders before the Helltide is over, since your remaining Cinders will be lost.

Diablo 4 Helltides
During Helltides not only the monsters will get stronger, but your surroundings will also change significantly. | © Blizzard

Fields Of Hatred (PvP)

While I don't think you need PvP in an ARPG, there are players that actually want to fight other players. To do so in Diablo 4 you can go to the Fields of Hatred. There are two Fields of Hatred on the Diablo 4 map, one in the Dry Steppes and one in Kehjistan. Both come with their own waypoint and little town. Once you enter the Fields of Hatred, enemies will start dropping Seeds of Hatred that you have to turn into Red Dust by activating one of the altars in the PvP zone and survive the timer.

It's only in the Fields of Hatred that players can kill other players and everyone in the area will get notified as soon as an altar is activated. When killed, you will lose all Seeds of Hatred. Red Dust however, can not be taken from you. Why even go to the Field of Hatred? Cause the merchants in the adjacent towns will sell special cosmetics and gear for Red Dust.

Note: There is no matchmaking whatsoever. If you enter the Fields of Hatred solo with a level 50 character, you could very well be stomped by a group of four level 70 characters.

World Bosses

Diablo 4 World Boss Ashava
Ashava is one of the World Bosses in Diablo 4. | © Blizzard

Of course, one of the coolest endgame activities are the world bosses. Those huge bosses will randomly appear in specific locations of the map and usually require a group of players to be defeated. You will get a timer on the Diablo 4 map 30 minutes before a world boss appears and you get a total of 15 minutes to slay the boss before it disappears again.

If you manage to kill a World Boss, you will get rewarded with a ton of great loot and even a special cache for the first kill of the week. Obviously, you don't have to fight world bosses, but in our opinion those fights are a real highlight of Diablo and a ton of fun.

And that's it. All endgame activities in Diablo 4. There is a ton of cool stuff to do after you finish the campaign and while you have to do Nightmare Dungeons to level up your glyphs, all other endgame activities are totally voluntary.

Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....