Diablo 4 Players Convinced: These 3 Things Have To Change

Diablo 4 is one of the biggest games of the year. Players from all around the world are exploring the dungeons and regions of this new world. But there are some things that have to get better. Read about 5 things, that have to change.

Diablo 4 Players are hoping for improvements | ©Blizzard

Diablo 4 seems to be exactly the game that long term fans of the franchise have waited for. But It's still not perfect, and players are calling for a number of quality of life improvements. The biggest issues are clear: User interface, the inventory, and greater convenience for 2nd characters.

Diablo 4: 3 things to improve the Diablo 4 experience

1. Let's Begin With The User Interface

No user interface is perfect, especially the one in Diablo 4. One of the biggest points concerning the players is the fact that it's not possible to scale the user intferace. Players are able to move the HUD in the left corner, but the scale of the HUD can't be changed. Normally, this is a standard function in similar games.

Another point of criticism is, even though it's a little one with not that much impact on the game like the interface scaling, that it's not possible to blend out player names.


2. Some General Quality Of Life Improvements:

  • Gems - They fill up your inventory very quickly, so some players are already calling for an additional Bag, just for the shiny little stones
  • Mounts-lots of players are complaining about the fact, that while riding they're getting stuck on even the smallest corners. Some smoother movement would be a nice improvement. The cooldown-timer of the horses are an annoying function for players, even in cities and out of combat, it's active.
  • Autorun-Function: Known from games like World of Warcraft, an autorun function might be one of the biggest improvements for Diablo 4 players. Especially if it's not the first time that players are wandering through this region or dungeon.

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3. Improvements For Your Second Or Third Character

A lot of players, who are already finished with their first character in Diablo 4, are calling for more convenience for their 2nd or 3rd character. Especially annoying and time-wasting tasks and mission, that have to be repeated with every character, are a main point of criticism.

Although, it is at least nice that renown rewards and mounts carry across characters.


Henning Paul
Henning Paul