Elden Ring: How To Make Invisible Enemies Visible

In Elden Ring, invisible enemies can be one of the most frustrating challenges in the game, especially as a Mage. But fortunately, with a special torch, you can make them visible. We'll show you where to find the Sentry's Torch and how to defeat an invisible enemy even without it.

Elden Ring Torch and Malenia
Elden Ring: With a special torch, you can make invisible enemies visible. | © EarlyGame

The difficulty level of Elden Ring is high from the start, but it gets even more challenging in the late game. On the Consecrated Snowfield in the west of the Mountaintop of the Giants, some particularly tough mobs await you in Ordina: the Invisible Assassins. The special challenge is visible in the name: These enemies are completely invisible and can one-hit you with an ambush attack, especially if you're wearing Mage equipment.


Luckily, there's a way to make those invisible enemies visible with a special torch. In this guide, we explain where to get it and what requirements you must meet.

Making Invisible Enemies Visible in Elden Ring: How to Get the Sentry's Torch

Elden Ring Sentry's Torch
The Sentry's Torch makes invisible enemies visible. | © EarlyGame / FromSoftware

The item you need is the Sentry's Torch. You can find it at a merchant on the Altus Plateau near the outer walls of the capital city Leyndell (look at the area we marked on the map). The Sentry's Torch will cost you 7000 Runes, which is a manageable price in the late game.

Elden Ring Map Leyndell Atlus
Elden Ring: Travel to this Site of Grace to find the Sentry's Torch. | © EarlyGame / FromSoftware

When you carry the torch, invisible enemies become visible as soon as you are close enough to them. But be careful! This doesn't mean the assassins become an easy target.

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And that's it! Once you've lit all four candles in Ordina, the path to the Haligtree opens up, where you can challenge, among others, the strongest boss of the game.

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Kim Berkemeyer

Ever since he got his first Game Boy in the late 90s, Kim was into video games. Besides many other games, he has a fable for Zelda and a love-hate relationship to World of Warcraft. Apart from work, you will find him playing football, watching sci-fi-shows, enjoying video games or just hanging around with friends....