Stunning GTA 6 Clue Found in GTA: Online

A potential clue could be teasing Grand Theft Auto VI in GTA: Online. Is it legit? What does it suggest?

gta vi timeline
Wait, what has been teased? | © Rockstar Games

A new "clue" in Grand Theft Auto: Online could potentially reveal a few things about GTA VI. Now, I want to preface this article by admitting something: we don't know anything about the next Grand Theft Auto. We have a few theories, like its setting and its possible release date, but nothing concrete. Even this "clue" is probably "bs". Why? Well, people on Reddit are going wild as usual, and sadly it is our job to report on such things, but we also don't think that this particular feature is a "clue" for GTA 6.

Now, on the flip side, it could be true that this indeed does point towards a feature that will be in the new Grand Theft Auto when it launches, but if so, it isn't really that much of a revelation. In reality, it is kind of just one of those rumors that tease a pretty standard feature in a lot of games as something "ground-breaking". Honestly, guys, don't you have anything better to do than froth over a game that probably won't be out for a few years? Seriously, go eat a pizza, that would be way more productive!


So, before we dive too thoroughly into this latest theory and "clue", let's update you on what we know about the game at this point. We expect that the game will feature some kind of central-southern American section, as did Red Dead Redemption 2. Theories are getting so wild, though, that some people believe that the game will be set in Tokyo, and others are saying that production is in "serious trouble". Why? Because of some seriously dubious "evidence". Five stars, guys, five stars. Let's take a look at this bout of "dubious evidence"...

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What's the "Clue" in GTA: Online?

A Reddit user shared an insight which could hint at co-op missions in future GTA games. Sk8d3r, whom has taken up the trend of "unnecessary letters in his username", said the following:

So I've just finished the Franklin and lamar mission in the new GTA online Update and I think rockstar is testing this coop mechanic for further games. There have been many theories on rockstar testing stuff got GTA 6 in GTA online and I think this is one of them if they're really adding coop story missions which I would think is awesome. However what is more likely imo is the mechanic where you're shooting at the vagus from the back of the truck. The perspective is completely new. And it's great. This is most definitely a feature we can expect in GTA 6.

It doesn't seem totally unfeasible that Rockstar Games might be working on something like a co-op feature in GTA VI. After all, these are the developers who made GTA: Online, which is possibly one of the most successful online games of all time. It also features a lot (as described) of co-operative play.


So, will GTA VI have co-op missions?

Look, yes, GTA VI could have co-op missions, but nothing has been confirmed. It is likely that Rockstar Games have been, and will continue to use Grand Theft Auto: Online as a testing bed for features they want to implement in the next mainline Grand Theft Auto game, whatever it ends up being called. Online co-op sounds like something that could work really well in a GTA game, and something that fans have been calling for since the early games. Thus, it isn't such a stretch to expect that Rockstar have at least thought about implementing something like this.

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In response to the Tweet that talked about the Franklin and Lamar mission, another Reddit fanatic, ducth_van_der_plan replied with the following message:

I believe rockstar has been testing lots of stuff in gta online over the years for gta6. Very unique position they're in of seeing what players like and don't like ahead of time. You don't just put out something new and different like the contract 8 years later and the way they integrated it into the online was really good. The contract was kill 2 birds with 1 stone for rockstar. They wanted to test something for gta6 and give players what they wanted. The Cayo perico was also a big test which incorporated single player elements and the interview rockstar gave after releasing it was very interesting! No wonder gta 6 taking so long lol but something tells me the contract was the last big test.

He could very well be right, as it makes a lot of sense for Rockstar Games to test such features in an online platform, to nail out the problems and see how it would work in a practical sense, as well as garner community feedback. If this is true, then we could very well see co-op come to GTA. It's also possible that all of this is bollocks, so don't get your hopes too far up.

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...