Hogwarts Legacy Collector's Edition Content Leaked Online

As Hogwarts Legacy nears release we've finally been able to get a look at what the Collector's Edition contains. But is it worth it? Let's take a look.

Hogwarts Legacy Ultimate Edition Leaked
There's going to be how much additional content?! | © Portkey Games / Warner Bros

Hogwarts Legacy is shaping up to be one of the biggest releases of 2022. It’s going to be the most advanced open-world game we’ve ever had in the Harry Potter universe, and fans are hyped. But as we approach the finish line of development, and get close to an actual release date, we need to get into the nitty-gritty. How much is this thing going to cost? What versions will be available? And are the Collector’s and Deluxe versions even worth it?


Hogwarts Legacy: Collector's, Deluxe & Standard Edition

One Hogwarts Legacy fan was able to access hidden details from the official website that reveal three versions of the game: Collector's, Deluxe and Standard. Most noticeably, the extra content for the Collector's edition includes something called "Dark Arts Battle Arena", which suggests there will be some kind of PvP arena mode in Hogwarts Legacy. There are also mounts mentioned in the Collector's edition and the Deluxe edition, so this really is going to be the fully open-world experience fans were hoping for.

Here is a screenshot of the leaked info from the Hogwarts Legacy website:

Versions of Hogwarts legacy
Here's what the Reddit user claimed each of the different versions of Hogwarts Legacy will contain. | © u/BattleDashBR via Reddit

That's a lot more than fans usually get when they pre-order the special version of a game. Will it be enough to get people to pay the extra, though? Well, we don't yet have the prices for these different editions, but as soon as we know we'll update you. One would assume that a ton of fans will in fact upgrade.

Speaking of films adapted into games, how about games adapted for the big screen...

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When Is Hogwarts Legacy Released?

Despite recent rumors suggesting the game might be delayed until 2023, the publishers have assured fans that Hogwarts Legacy should be out by Christmas 2022. And so although we don’t have a release date yet, we can expect to get one soon.


Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....