How To Grind The Overwatch 2 Season 3 Battle Pass Faster

Grinding the Overwatch 2 can and will feel like a chore, so you better know the proper way to maximizing your XP gain.

Overwatch 2 battle Pass
Grind through the Overwatch 2 Season 3 Battle Pass I © Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 Season 3 has finally launched, and with it we got a brand new battle pass with neat rewards. Blizzard actually decided to approach the third season a bit differently in terms of rewards. Legacy Credits can now be obtained from the battle pass and used to buy Overwatch 1 skins.

As with every season, we also got a new Mythic Skin, which is designed for Kiriko this time. If you don't want to miss out on any of the battle pass rewards and get to the last tier where the Mythic Skin in waiting, we got you covered.

Here, we'll give you some tips so you can grind the Overwatch 2 battle pass efficiently and finish it without complications.

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Grind The Overwatch 2 Battle Pass Faster

There are many ways in which you can start earning some nice EXP to complete your battle pass, let's break it all down:

Daily Challenges

The easiest one is to check up constantly on what daily challenges you can complete whenever you manage to log in to the game. Daily Challenges award a total of 3k XP which is a nice boost towards the battle pass.

Do note that while you can do more than three daily challenges every 24 hours, only the first three will grant you XP. The tasks are fairly simple, like getting your first win of the day, healing 15k damage, and more.

Weekly Challenges

Weekly challenges are more involved and the reward is even better, with every single one handing out 5k XP. Some are role-specific, like you might get tasked with healing a total of 125k damage. Others are simply winning 10 games on different playlists.

Overwatch 2 Fans Feel Tricked By New Battle Pass

Each week, a total of 11 weekly challenges will be available to complete, granting a total of 55k XP if you managed to do all of them. Considering each Battle Pass tier requires 10k XP, that's five and a half levels right there!


If you complete a certain amount of weekly challenges you'll be rewarded with Overwatch Coins, a total of 50 are up for grabs each week. In all honesty, it's a meagre quantity, but if you play consistently they'll accumulate quickly!

By the way, playing Overwatch 2 is a way better vibe with the right equipment! Check out this, and you'll find everything you need for the perfect gaming setup.

Seasonal Challenges

Seasonal Challenges have different tiers of XP, some give you 500, others 1000 and a few of the harder ones hand out 3000 or even 5000 XP. Some of these are harder due to how arbitrary they can feel, like getting a certain amount of kills while doing damage from a specific point in a map.

Others are just winning games in different modes or maps. Regardless, you'll be knocking a few of these without noticing early on so don't worry too much about them initially.

Play With Friends!


Queuing up with friends will give you a small XP boost on top of the 20% permanent increase you get for owning the premium battle pass. So grab a group of friends and enjoy the game together to reap better rewards!

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Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino