Weibo Gaming has qualified for the League of Legends World Championship Semifinals 2023. They will be fighting for a spot in the finals to win the World Championship on November 19. But how did they get here? Everybody always talks about TheShy and Xiaohu, but I want to shine a “Light” on their bot laner today.

Light's Career
Wang “Light” Guang-Yu is the 22-year-old bot laner for the Chinese League of Legends Pro Team Weibo Gaming. He started his pro career in Snake Esports in October 2017 and stayed with them and the team WuDu as well after they collaborated to be Snake WuDu. After that he played on LNG Esports starting out in their academy roster in 2019, swapping to the main team as a substitute in December 2019 and started as the main bot laner for them in May 2020.
On LNG Esports he had moderate results but finished third in the LPL 2022 Regional Finals. After then switching to WBG, the results didn't really improve. For the whole season 2023 they placed between 6th and 4th but managed to turn it all around in the LPL 2023 Regional Finals where they came in second place after beating EDG. This got them 4 Seed at Worlds 2023.
Light's Champion Pool

Light has a pretty small champion pool compared to other bot laners. Whiel he has played various champions, there are some clear favorite. He has played 85 Games of Aphelios in his career with a solid 57.6 % win rate and is regarded as one of the best Aphelios players in the LPL. His second and third most played champs are Varus and Zeri with 49 and 46 Games played and a win rate of 53% and 59%. Other than that he has a good experience on most ADC's boasting an 86% win rate on his Caitlyn but also doesn't mind to lock in safe lane picks like Ziggs.
At Worlds so far, he played 11 Games and won 8 of them, giving him a 72.7% win rate. With a KDA of 8.7 and an average CS per minute of 9.7 he is an absolutely safe win condition for his team. He has played 4 Aphelios games at worlds and won all of them. In those 4 games he averaged a KDA of 24 dying only 2 times.
Why Should You Keep An Eye On Him?
So far in the Tournament, he is ahead in Creep Score at 15 minutes the majority of the time. He is always ahead in gold and always ahead in experience as well. Not only that, but he has participated in first blood in almost every game. In the 11 Games he played, he died only 14 times in total while getting 65 kills for his team.
Weibo Gaming has a chance to win it all this year, and Light will most likely be the reason. At Worlds 2023 the team understood how good of a player he is and is actively playing for the bot side of the map after playing for TheShy all season long.
Do you think he will bring home the Trophy?
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