In Case You Forgot: A Metal Gear Movie Is Coming

The Metal Gear Solid movie has kind of gone off-radar (see what I did there), but it's still happening.

Metal gear movie
Did you miss him? | © Jordan Vogt Roberts, Twitter

Oscar Isaac is on one these days. He's in Dune, which was an amazing movie, and is going to have a huge sequel, and he's the lead in Moon Knight, the new Disney+ hit show. Also, often forgotten, he was cast to play one of gaming's most iconic characters: Solid Snake. Now, Oscar Isaac reminded everybody that the Metal Gear Solid movie is still very much alive and still happening.

Metal Gear Solid Movie Is Looking For A Director

It was while making the red carpet rounds for Moon Knight, that Oscar Isaac was asked about the Metal Gear Solid project. In true Solid Snake fashion, his answer was brief and to the point, when asked about the movie: "We're searching".

Spoken like someone who actually played the game. I like it.

The movie has not only found its lead actor, but also its director: Jordan Vogt-Roberts, the director of Kong Skull Island, is attached to the project. Jordan Vogt-Roberts is actually a friend of Hideo Kojima, and promises a 'Kojima-approved' version of the game. Music to my ears.

What Oscar Isaac was referring to is that he and the director are searching for a story, or rather, a writer. Anybody who's played Metal Gear Solid knows how odd the story can get, and how tricky it might prove to translate that to the silver screen. But hey, at least we know that the movie is still happening.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....