Rejoice: We're Getting a New Subnautica

Subnautica continues: A job posting just confirmed that Subnautica 3 is coming.

New subnautica 3 release date
Subnautica 3 is coming soon. | © Subnautica Below Zero

I've said it time and time again, and I'll say it... well... again: Gotta love job postings. Thanks to the latest job posting of Unknown Worlds, we now know that a new Subnautica game is in development. This is huge, because Subnautica is amazing, and there's always a great need for more. The other great thing about job postings is that, unlike those leaks from our favorite Twitter-folk, a job posting comes from the game developers themselves, and it confirms games, rather than just giving us something to speculate on. Still... we can speculate on what we can expect from the new Subnautica, and that's exactly what we're gonna do.

New Subnautica Confirmed by Unknown Worlds

First things first: A good snitch always reveals its sources. Here's the official job posting from Unknown Worlds. Specifically, the devs are looking for a Senior Narrative Designer to work closely with the team on a compelling, dramatic story, while helping to define thehistory and ore of the world and its alien inhabitants.

So what can we learn from this, as far as the game's content is concerned? Unfortunately, not much. All we can really wonder is whether the game will continue Below Zero's storyline or stay on 4546B. If Below Zero is any indication - and if we take the storytelling bit from the job posting into consideration - this Subnautica is likely going to go further into cinematic storytelling, and remove itself even more from the silent protagonist of the original. Still... this is just assumption, and with the job posting already out there, we probably won't have to wait long until we hear more about this one.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....