Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Demo Available Now Featuring Iconic Level

The Resident Evil 4 Remake demo has shadow dropped just overnight. Here's everything you need to know about the RE4 "Chainsaw Demo".

Chainsaw man in RE 4 Remake
The Resident Evil 4 Remake demo is finally here. | © Capcom

Capcom has confirmed a demo for the upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake at the most recent Sony State of Play. Now, the so-called "Chainsaw Demo" is finally here! You can now download the free trial on Steam, PlayStation and Xbox.


Resident Evil 4 Remake Demo Out Now Featuring The Game's First Chapter

The much-anticipated Resident Evil 4 Remake demo features the beginning of the game. Fans of the original will be particularly excited, as this means you get to see the iconic village part. And yes, it's at least as good as the OG.

You play until the end of the village onslaught and the title card, meaning that the demo roughly has a length of 20 minutes. Pretty decent chunk to get us even more hyped for the game. And if you're wondering whether a certain voice line is in this scene or not... well, download the demo and find out yourself.

Capcom has hosted a showcase on March 9, featuring"news on Resident Evil 4, Exoprimal, Monster Hunter Rise, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective". As was rumored before, the Resi 4 demo dropped here.

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The game’s release date is March 24, so the Capcom Showcase was most likely be the last presentation we will see about Resi 4, marking a perfect opportunity to release the demo. We're really excited for the release of the game in a few weeks.


Faris Delalic

Faris has been obsessed with gaming since his childhood and is now the Gaming lead at EarlyGame. He is a self-described FromSoftware shill, but also loves games like Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3 and Resident Evil 4....