All potential achievements for the upcoming Resident Evil 4 - Remake.

Eagerly anticipating fans of Resident Evil 4 Remake will have to wait until March 24th for its release, but there has been a significant amount of leaked content circulating online already.
Numerous players have streamed the game's storyline and uploaded clips of boss fights to video platforms, after copies of the game appeared early.
Recently, a full list of PlayStation trophies and Xbox achievements for the game has surfaced on Reddit, revealing that there will be a total of 38 trophies/achievements available on launch.
Resident Evil 4 Remake: Achievements
It's believed that there may be additional achievements that have yet to be discovered. Comments on the Reddit post suggest that the leaker had not yet reached certain parts of the game, leaving the possibility open for hidden achievements to be uncovered once those tasks are completed.
If you still need inspiration for new games to play, look here:
While many of them are tied to story progression, there are still plenty that require specific gameplay actions to obtain a platinum ranking. Here are all 38 achievements that have been revealed so far:
- Obtain All Trophies
- Parry and Enemy With The Knife
- Upgrade a Weapon
- Get the exclusive Upgrade for a weapon
- Rescue Ashley While She’s Being Carried away by an enemy
- Destroy A Clockwork Castellan
- Defeat Del Lago
- Defeat Bitores Mendes
- Defeat the Verdugo
- Defeat Ramon Salazar
- Defeat Jack Krauser
- Defeat Osmund Saddler
- Defeat 3 Enemies with One Flashbang Grenade
- Defeat a Garrador Using Only Knives
- Kill 2 Parasites Inside A Regenerator With One Bullet
- Throw a Grenade Into Ramon Salazar’s Mouth
- Use A Cannon To Defeat A Zealot
- Make It Through Both Minecart Sections In The Underground Tunnel Without Taking Damage
- Reach the Top Of The Clock Tower Without The Lift Stopping Once
- Escape On The Water Scooter Without Taking Damage
- Sell A Single Treasure For At Least 1,000,000 Ptas
- Obtain All Treasures included on the village treasure map in one playthrough
- Obtain All Treasures included on the castle treasure map in one playthrough
- Obtain All Treasures included on the island treasure map in one playthrough
- Obtain All Weapons
- Destroy all ClockWork Castellan’s
- Complete the main story on Standard Mode Or Higher
- Complete the main story on Standard Mode with an S+ Rank
- Complete the main story on Hardcore Mode Or Higher
- Complete the main story on Hardcore Mode with an S+ Rank
- Complete the main story on Professional Mode
- Complete the main story within 8 Hours
- Complete the main story Without using a recovery Item
- Complete the main story Without using only knives and handguns
- Complete the main story Without talking to the merchant once
- Complete a game at the shooting range
- Complete an S rank in all games at the shooting range
- Shoot through and destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with one shot

Concerns were raised about the U3 fight being removed from the game since there were no achievements related to it.However, it was clarified that the leaker had not yet reached that section of the game and that there are no achievements related to fighting El Gigante and some other bosses, so it's possible that there may simply be no reward for fighting U3.