Here's the Silent Hill Remake on Unreal Engine 5. You're Welcome

Silent Hill is long overdue a remake, and now the game's been ported to the Unreal Engine 5. Have a look.

Silent hill remake unreal engine 5
Prettier and scarier than ever. | © Silent Hill

Rumors of a Silent Hill remake have been around for ages, and at this point it feels like its just a matter of time. But... that matter of time seems to be taking ages, and... ain't nobody got time for that. Now, a dedicated fans took matters into his own hands and brought Silent Hill to Unreal Engine 5. The nightmare has turned into a beautiful dream.

Silent Hill on Unreal Engine 5

I mean... damn. Also, I gotta say: I'm loving Unreal Engine 5. We got Ocarina of Time on Unreal Engine 5, then we got a look at what a new Dark Souls would look like, and now this. Still, I am yet undecided if all of this is a beautiful dream, or a a blue-balls nightmare, because... we might never actually get Silent Hill on Unreal Engine 5.

Except that this one is different. This is not an individual lone modder, this Silent Hill remake has a whole studio behind it - Codeless Studio are helming Silent Hill Unreal Engine 5 remake, and are not planning on stopping short of the finishing line: The remake has been in development for a while, and the first footage was actually revealed back in January. Ever since, the game has steadily improved and, honestly, with this remake looking how it does, we might have no need for an official remake or remaster from Konami.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....