Sony Working On Triple-A Horror Game

New Sony Studio Firesprite is not just working on one FPS shooter, they're also working on a triple-A horror game. Can we get a Silent Hill type of game please?

Slitterhead teaser trailer
Can we get something like Slitherhead? | © Bokeh Game Studio

Horror games are pretty saturated these days. Most rely on phony jumpscare tactics or involve way too much shooting and fighting to still be considered a horror game. So, it would be a welcomed breath of fresh air for a new type of horror game to make it to the market, right?

Well, it seems like we could be in for a treat, because Sony is gearing up to make our dreams of a triple-A horror game happen. If we can trust the internet that is, because Sony has not made any official announcements yet.

Firesprite to Make Triple-A Horror Game

On the UK-based website there was a job listing which was spotted out by a resetera user. The job listing was for a Narrative director for a narrative driven AAA horror-adventure game. So, what are we thinking here, boys and girls? A game like Silent Hill comes to mind. Give us cosmic horror, give us weird, and make us uncomfortable with this title.

Whether this game will be part of an existing series — such as Siren — or a brand-new IP is yet to be determined, but we're just excited to know that this could be coming in the next few years.

Triple-A Horror Game To Run on Unreal Engine 5

You know what that means, right guys? This game is going to look amazing. That Lovecraftian creature you're unsure of what it is? Yeah, it's basically going to be sitting in your living room with you while you play, breathing down your neck as you make your next move. That's what we're expecting from Unreal Engine 5 quality, right?

What Other Games is Firesprite Working on?

This isn't the only project the UK-based studio is currently working on. They've also got their hands on the upcoming Twisted Metal reboot after the director, Matt Southern, left Lucid Games and switched to Firesprite where he took on the same role.

Horizon Call of the Mountain, a PlayStation VR 2 spinoff from the Horizon series is also in the works, so it seems like the studio is staying pretty busy with so many games being developped right now.

Therefore, it comes as a surprise to read that they are also looking for people to work on an AAA horror game, but are we mad? Nah. Time for a good horror game to be released again.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....