The Last of Us Part 2 Remaster Leaked Via Linkedin Resumé

A "The Last of Us: Part 2" remaster seems to be in the works according to a staffer's LinkedIn profile.

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The Last of Us: Part 2 was released just 3 years ago, but apparently a remaster is already in the works. | © Sony

A new major AAA release being unceremoniously revealed through a LinkedIn profile update? It's more likely than you think! In fact, it's how we now know that "The Last of Us: Part 2 Remastered" is likely in development at Naughty Dog.

The studio's Lead Outsource Artist Mark Pajarillo updated the Activity section of his LinkedIn profile late last week, stating that he was, among other things, "[r]esponsible for overseeing the production of all outsourced environment art assets, weapons and interactive props for two iconic titles The Last of Us: Part One and The Last of Us 2: Remastered". The mention of "The Last of Us 2: Remastered" was up for just long enough for a few eagle-eyed Twitter users to notice it and take screenshots before it was removed.


Now, a LinkedIn profile page isn't exactly definitive proof that a remaster of Part 2 is in the works. There are a number of other possible explanations for the listing, up to and including that Pajarillo simply made a typo. However, it isn't the first sign that this remaster is being worked on. Just earlier this year the original game's main composer Gustavo Santaolalla had a slip of the tongue hinting at its existence.

Good News For "The Last of Us: Part 2" Fans, Bad News For Naughty Dog Fans

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News of this Part 2 remaster comes at a strange time for Naughty Dog fans. | © Sony

The timing of this newest LinkedIn slip-up is interesting, to say the least. Back in May of this year it was reported that Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" multiplayer project was in bad shape, and just earlier this month news broke of Naughty Dog laying off some of its QA staff and fully putting the multiplayer game on ice. It's possible that Naughty Dog are refocusing their development efforts on a Part 2 remaster to raise funds for their other projects.


On one hand, this is great news for fans of the original Part 2. On the other hand, while "The Last of Us: Part I" was undeniably the best way to experience the first game, it didn't change enough from the original to warrant another $70 in many people's opinion. And Part 2 was released just 3 years ago, making a current-gen remaster even less necessary. That said, it's entirely possible that this new remaster could be more substantial.

We'll keep you updated as more details about Naughty Dog's projects come out.

Leonhard Kuehnel

When Leo isn’t busy playing the best videogame you’ve never heard of, he uses his knowledge to report on the latest news in the gaming industry. Never ask him how long his backlog is, though, you won’t like the answer....