Uncharted Continues: Devs Want a Sequel

Naughty Dog is seemingly not done with Uncharted yet: The devs have revealed that they're thinking about a sequel, and we're happy to hear it.

Uncharted sequel
Will we get a sequel to this masterpiece? | © Naughty Dog

Alright, let's not beat around the bush here, folks: Uncharted creative director Shaun Escayg said that the Uncharted universe is a "world we want to see more of." Yup, that's generic language for 'we're working on a sequel'. The man was interviewed by GamesRadar and let it be known that we can certainly expect more games in the Uncharted universe.

Uncharted Sequel Seems to Be Coming

I think we can say for certain that we can never say never. Yeah. Uncharted is a franchise we love – that the studio loves. I love, and [Uncharted: The Lost Legacy director Kurt Margenau] loves. It's a world we want to see more of. So I can certainly say that.

Of course, we already rumored as much in this article, but then again... it's always easy to assume that multi-multi-million dollar franchises that are mega-successful will continue. Especially now that Microsoft is buying up game developers left and right, Sony needs their exclusive PlayStation IPs more than ever. It'd be silly for them, and Naughty Dog, to stop making Uncharted games. Particularly when you consider the fact that Uncharted, technically, has potential for an endless amount of games – they don't all have to be tied to Nathan Drake.

Sadly, that little tidbit of teasing is all we have at this point. For now, the most interesting piece of Uncharted news going is the PS5 and PC ports, and how amazing they look.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....