Gone Since 2019: Stranger Things Returns To Dead By Daylight

The Stranger Things Chapter left Dead By Daylight in November 2021 after its original release in 2019. Now, on Stranger Things Day of all days, this chapter will be once again be made available to all players.

Stranger Things Chapter in Dead by Daylight
Stranger Things is back in Dead by Daylight | © BEHAVIOUR

These three iconic characters are returning to the Dead by Daylight Shop. Here's everything you need to know.

Stranger Things Chapter Available again

If you bought the Stranger Things Chapter during its original release back in 2019 then you are already familiar with the content that is returning. However, if you only started playing Dead by Daylight after November 2021 there will definitely be something new for you.

While you may have seen Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington or The Demogorgon running around in your Trials, you weren't able to buy them in the Store. But thankfully, The Stranger Things Chapter was re-released on November 6 right after the Haunted by Daylight Event ended. This is particularly exciting news because nobody expected it to ever come back to the game.

Devs have been asked about the Stranger Things Chapter many times since it left the game, but the answers were always either very mysterious or straight up negative. And so codes for the Chapter became increasingly expensive on second-hand platforms like eBay, reaching multiple hundreds of dollars.


What Is Returning?

The Chapter contains the playable characters Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington and the Demogorgon. It also includes 2 cosmetics for the survivors, and with the Chapter returns the map "Hawkins National Laboratory Underground Complex".

Now what about the unique character perks? After the removal of the characters, the perks became general perks. They have regained their previous names and will be reverted to character exclusive perks in a future patch. However, if you unlocked the perks on a character before, they will remain unlocked. Achievements and Trophies related to the Stranger Things Chapter are also not available at this moment.

As someone who has been waiting for this for a long while, I can't wait to loop the Killers on Nancy. Are you going to buy the Stranger Things Chapter?

Learn about the new Dead by Daylight Movie here.

Erik Feldengut

Erik is a writer on EarlyGame's content team, and plays mostly MOBAs, MMOs, and shooters. But LoL has had a firm grip on him for ten years....