LoL: Most OTP'ed Champions – The Winner Will Suprise You!

League of Legends is known for its wide variety of playable champions. But some players prefer to play just a few or just one of them. In this article we will present you the most one-tricked Champions in LoL at the moment. The winner will surely surprise you.

Most OP Ted champ LOL
Who's the most OTP'ed Champion in LoL? |©Riot Games (Montage)

League of Legends has more than 160 playable Champions and the devs, Riot Games, are constantly releasing new ones. It's safe to say that every player has his own group of favorite characters, which he would pick in the game. And then there are OTP's (One-Trick Ponies) who just play one champion to climb the ladder. But what is the most OTP'ed Champion in the game?

In this article, we will give you an overview about the most popular OTP champions in League of Legends, the winner might surprise you to say the least!

LoL: The Most Popular OTP Champions

Meeting an OTP is quite common in League of Legends nowadays. If you have to choose between over 160 characters, it can be hard for some players, and they will just go with one of them. Some of them even made a career out of it, like "Yassuo" on Yasuo or "Hi I'm Gosu" on Vayne.

And of course there are cliché champs like Draven or Katarina, that get one tricked a lot, at least according to many community members. Now, there was an "official" statistic shared on the League of Legends Subreddit, which showed the most popular one trick champions.

The most one-tricked champions (via League of Graphs) by u/Jragon713 in leagueoflegends

In the Thread, the user "Jragon713" used information, provided by the popular LoL statistics website "League of Graphs", to present a table with all the champions. And apparently there are some rarely seen champions among them.

The user also explained the thoughts behind his ranking:

However, when people talk about OTP champions, they often say things like "X champion is mostly played by OTPs", and that's the stat I'd actually like to look into: what portion of this champion's games are played by OTPs. Basically, we can divide "%" (% of games played by champion OTPs) by "Popularity" (% of games played by champion at all) to get the actual OTP-ness ratio (ratio of champion games played by OTPs)

According to the table, the top three one tricked champions in League Legends are:

3. Anivia

Anivia no skin
Anivia is the third most one-tricked Champion in LoL |©Riot Games

According to the provided table, Anivia is played in 2.56% of all LoL Games, while 0.81 % percent of these games are played by OTP's. Anivia is surely a strong OTP champion, since she provided everything a champion needs. A huge amount of damage after a certain time in the game, strong wave clear, a lot of crowd-control, and she's relatively tanky and save through her Egg.

Her only true weakness, is the fact that she's kinda immobile and therefore easy to gank. But his can be helped with a nicely timed and well place ice-wall.

2. Singed

Augmented singed lol skin
Singed is the second mosz ome-tricked champion |©Riot Games

Second on the list is the resident split pusher, tower diver and proxy-farmer, Singed. He has the lowest play rate of the champions in the top 3. According to the chart, he gets played in 2.08 of all games, while in 0.67 % of them, OTP used the character.

One old saying is really fitting for Singed: "Easy to learn but hard to master". The champ might not feel like the sharpest tool in the game, but he is still able to take over an entire match, once he's fed. His strengths are obviously his movement speed and tankiness. Used to their fullest potential, Singed is a strong champion for OTP's.

Together with his split push ability he can be one of the most annoying ones as well.

1. Warwick

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Warwick is the champion, that gets OTP'ed the most |© Riot Games

And our Winner is... Warwick. Yes, apparently the big bad wolf is the most one-tricked champion in League of Legends. According to the chart, Warwick gets picked in 4.14 % of all played LoL Games, while in 1.37% of them OTP's were responsible for the pick. This leads to a ratio of 33.09, which makes the champion the most OTP'ed one.

Warwick is an interesting champion for sure, and it's understandable that many players are choosing him as their one-trick character. He gets mostly played in the Jungle, where he excels due to his damage, sustain and camp-clear speed. Additionally, he got a strong ability kit for ganks and nobody is able to run away from him.

Also, he is one of the strongest snowballers in the game, which means if you're in front, it's easy for you to take over the game and carry your team. So if you're looking for a strong champ to main at the moment, you might want to take a look at the wolf.

So there you have it, most one-tricked champions in League of Legends at the moment, If you want to see the numbers for all the other champions, take a look into the Reddit thread and the provided chart there. Good Luck in the Rift, Summoner!

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Henning Paul
Henning Paul