LoL fans have been given a first look at the new upcoming champion, Smolder, and he looks absolutely adorable!

Nothing gets League of Legends fans as hyped as the release of a new champion (besides maybe a VGU). Now, Riot provided fans with a first look at the upcoming ADC that they have been teasing for a while now as nothing more than an egg and gave us a name to call this cute little dragon by, Smolder.
LoL: Riot Reveal Teaser For New Dragon Champion, Smolder
The teaser has been uploaded to Twitter and not only introduces us to the new champion's character, but also shows us what Smolder is going to look like.
The teaser kicks off with Smolder hyping up dragons (and himself) as “the mightiest creatures” as they “grow up to be gigantinormous and strong”. It's really cute how he narrates this as some kind of fairy tale intro of what kind of epic dragon he wants to be.
New Dragon ADC Teaser #1 | #LeagueOfLegends Smolder's kind of a big deal
— League Of Legends Leaks & News (@LeagueOfLeaks) January 4, 2024
Once he makes his way into the frame, though, you can see that Smolder has still got some growing to do before he turns into the “bestest dragon of them all” (his words, not mine).
What's fascinating is how his mom is also featured in the teaser, as Riot already mentioned, how there's “something lurking not too far in the distance, always watching, creating a safe space for our young dragon to grow” during their Champion Roadmap in 2023.
We're gonna have to wait until we get an actual look at his abilities, though, before we can know whether they actually included his mother as a part of his kit.