LoL New Champion Briar: Lore & Background Story

League of Legends is releasing their new champion Briar soon, and she's nothing like anything we've ever seen before in Runeterra. But what makes her lore so unique, and where is she from?

Briar Concept 9
LoL Briar lore: Not only are her abilities unique, but so is her dark past. | © Riot Games

It's only a few more weeks until Briar is finally added to Summoner's Rift! But before that happens, we should probably take a closer look at Briar and her personal background because she's a pretty unique... creature?

Well, it's pretty tough to tell what Briar really is, to be honest. She obviously not a human, but she's no Darkin either and most definitely not a Yordle.

Briar is a breath of fresh air in the world of League of Legends, not only because of her unique abilities but also because of her interesting lore. If you're interested in finding out more about Briar's story, stick around because we've got you covered!

LoL Champion Briar Lore: From The Dungeons Of Noxus

Like many creepy things, Briar too is from Noxus. But she wasn't born there, rather "created" by an organization called the "Black Rose". That's the name of a secret noxian group that dates back to even before Noxus existed. The leader of the Black Rose should be a familiar face to you, it's LeBlanc.

Even though the Black Rose is an incredibly powerful group, they prefer to stay in hiding. And by powerful, I mean so powerful that the members of the organization can even use blood magic, aka hemomancy. With the help of this loathsome magic, the Black Rose created Briar as a tool for the organization in order to destroy their enemies.

Briar Concept 1
This is what Briar's reveal looks like in her trailer: The pillory around her head stops her thirst for blood. | © Riot Games

Briar's creation brought along a couple of problems, though. Her thirst for blood and death could not be stopped by anyone, no matter what. Though Briar was made to be a sentient being by the Black Rose, that alone was not enough to stop Briar's thirst. She didn't only kill the enemies of the Black Rose, but everyone that got in her way.

Her crazy, uncontrollable urge for more blood and death led to multiple missions that Briar was given to fail. This led to her being captured by Swain's forces and her confinement in a holding facility cell.

Briar: An Uncontrollable Monster?

Briar turned out to be quite the problem for Noxus and the Black Rose. While she may have been an incredibly fearless and deadly weapon, no one was able to control her. In order to stop her, the Black Rose bound her with the help of a pillory that was locked by a hemolith, which has magical properties to help restrain Briar and calm her mind.

Only with the help of this pillory and the magical properties of the hemolith were the noxian troops able to confine Briar in a cell. And that's where she's been all this time. Alone with her pillory and her finally calmed thoughts.

Even though the pillory took away Briar's killing skills, it helped her take control over her own life for the first time ever. While the Black Rose had given Briar curiosity, as well as the ability to speak, she never knew what she was supposed to do with those skills.

She was a born killer. But in all her time in that cell, finally free from her thirst for blood, Briar began to learn more and more about life. She listened in on other people's conversations, talked to other inmates, and did everything she could to create her own identity – one without the Black Rose.

Briar Yearned For Freedom: A Life Without The Black Rose

Briar Jail Corridor
Take a look at the holding facility that Briar was imprisoned in. | © Riot Games

No matter how powerful the Black Rose may be in Noxus – they could never control Briar. Her pillory may halt her powers, but it frees her will. Even if Briar is still in the beginning phases of her "life" she already knows one thing: she doesn't want to be used as a tool.

This gave her the willpower to decide that she wanted to unleash her powers in order to get out of that prison. That way, only she can decide what she'll do with her life, whose side she wants to be on and who she'll kill.

That brings us to the present of Briar's story. We can see her insane escape from prison in her release trailer.

Like we mentioned before, Briar is an incredibly unique champion that is coming to the world of Runeterra. We haven't seen anything like her before, so she'll have plenty to explore once she comes to League of Legends!

If you're interested in the teasers leading up to Briar's trailer, take a look here:

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...