LoL Patch 13.20: Players Hope Changes Will Make Bring Forgotten Champ Back Into Jungle Role

In LoL Patch 13.20, some champions are getting huge changes and one champion in particular might finally shift from a bad support to a decent jungler.

Exiled Morgana and Kayle
LoL Patch 13.20: Players hope for a good jungle update. | © Riot Games

In the upcoming League of Legends patch, Riot is trying out some interesting changes with the entire jungle getting a mini-rework which could impact the entirety of the game. But there are also some key champion adjustments Riot is planning in LoL Patch 13.20 which could play a role in the future of the game.

One of the champions that is being impacted is Morgana, who is receiving multiple changes in LoL Patch 13.20, but will she truly be a viable jungler again, or is she going to be OP, only for Riot to nerf her in the upcoming patch once more?

LoL Patch 13.20: Players Excited For Morgana Changes

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Morgana is one of the most banned champions in the support role in League of Legends. According to stats website League of Graphs, she sits at an almost 25% ban rate for support champions, with only Shaco and Blitzcrank receiving more bans than her.

All this while she isn't even in the B-tier of supports currently, with a mere 49% win rate as well. She isn't the most viable support, but still gets a lot of bans due to her kit, especially her black shield and length of her stuns – that is if she lands them.

So, Riot is trying to breathe new life into Morgana, by giving her some jungle-focused buffs, as well as some changes to her ultimate as well.

Majestic Empress Morgana
Will we see more Morgana jungle in this patch? | © Riot Games

[W] Tormented Shadow:

  • AP ratio increased 14% >>> 17%
  • Monster damage ratio increased 155% >>> 165%
  • [E] Black Shield:
    • Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 > 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds
  • [R] Soul Shackles:
    • Move Speed increased 5/30/55% towards enemies >>> 10/35/60% all directions
    • Stun duration increased 1.5 >>> 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
    • Damage: 150/225/300 (+70% AP) >>> 175/250/325 (+80% AP)


Her early game Black Shield has been weakened, which should mean she will not be banned as much, since her E is one of the main causes for concern for bot laners, while the W AP ratio increased, as well as the damage against monsters, which is something that could also help Morgana mid lane, since it'll increase her wave clear.

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While Morgana did not gain any resistances when she casts her ultimate, which takes some time to channel effectively, she does have increased move speed, as well as damage with the buffs from LoL Patch 13.20 which will help the ability quite a bit.


Morgana jungle was a pretty popular back in Season 11, when Riot made some pretty big adjustments to her W. She quickly rose to prominence for both solo queue, as well as pro players. With the 2023 League of Legends World Championship just around the corner and all the balance for the event done, Riot seems to feel comfortable to give jungle Morgana another chance.

While this time Riot isn't buffing the damage against non-epic monsters to 200%, it's still a significant increase from 155% to 165% and players are excited to see whether this is something that will make the champion viable, especially with the increased AP ratio as well.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....