LoL Players Believe K'Sante Is One Of The Most Unbalanced Champs

K'Sante feels very nice in the current meta. And you can find him everywhere, so LoL players believe that he's one of the most unbalanced champs. Read everything about it here.

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K'sante might be to strong in the current meta |©Riot Games

All League of Legends players with some experiences know this feeling. There is a champ that feels just unfair when you have to play against him, and he is simply everywhere. In the current meta, this applies exactly to the K'Sante. Now, fans are discussing if K'Sante is one of the most unbalanced Champs in the game.

K'Sante: One Of The Most Unbalanced Champs?

Empyrean K Sante Splash Art
K'Sante is just way too annoying! | © Riot Games

In the history of League of Legends, there have always been champs, that were way too strong in their time. Remember the insane Darius time after the bruiser updates? Or basically every Ryze iteration, rework after rework. Or this wonderful time when games lasted for 50 minutes and Kassadin went rampage? OP champs have always been a part of every meta.

Now it's K'Santes time to rule the meta, and probably every position and role within the game. You can encounter him on the top and mid lane, maybe even in the jungler or on the bot lane as supporter. Now fans are discussing the current state of the game. Especially, one aspect of his gets focused.

In the League of Legends Subreddit, a popular thread was opened with the fitting title "Seriously, why does K'Sante Q cost 15 mana?" In there, the user "Tasty-Tiago" shared his opinion on K'Santes abilities, along with the now famous ShowMaker copy-pasta:

Seriously, why does K'Sante Q cost 15 mana? by u/Tasty-Tiago in leagueoflegends

Well, he isn't wrong about the fact that K'Sante can fulfill multiple roles in the current meta. For example, he\s got a nice 80% pick & ban rate in the LCS, where he's played as top and mid laner. And he's in the top 5 of picked top laner from plat upwards.

The reactions to the post, are rather negative, as several users pointed out that the Q is supposed to be spamable. For example, the user "LordBarak" defended K'Sante and his Q mana consumption:

The mana costs are in his W. They don't punish champions for having one ability they use a lot. If it cost 45 mana immediately instead of 15 3 times, he would be an insanely weak lane champ.

Or the user "sommersolhverv", who even pointed out the weaknesses of K'Santa im lower Elo and where "Tasty-Tiago" might have his information from:

The amount of hate he receives relative to his win rate is absurd. His win rate is one of the worst in the game. Outside top elo, he shouldn’t be that much of a problem.I’m convinced most of it is parroting casters because he’s prevalent in pro play.


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K'Sante,just a problem for the high elo ? |©Riot Games

Well, the win rate of K'Sante, especially in lower elos, is abysmal. It seems to be the case that K'Sante, with his specific and difficult play style, is more or less just a problem for the higher elos and the professional leagues. There, he can play out his strengths to their full potential. In a competitive environment with good communication between all parts of a team, he is a deadly tool.

But in lower elos and soloQ, where the highest amount of gamers are played, K'Sante doesn't play an important role. He might be just too complicated for the most players, and you can't communicate your engages and knock backs like in a competitive game.

He might be terrifying in the leagues and tournaments, and even in some soloQ games, when he gets in front, but for the general public he is not a threat at all.

Henning Paul
Henning Paul