Zyra Skins: The Best LoL Skins For Your Money

Zyra has multiple skins in Legaue of Legends and while the community is still waiting for her legendary, there are some pretty nice cosemtics in her inventory that are definitely worth buying.

Zyra4 4
Zyra skins ranked right here! | © Riot Games

Zyra has been seeing more and more play in League of Legends, but you don't want to go onto the rift without a cool and unique look, right? Right and that's why you need the best Zyra skin in your inventory to stand out from the competition.

So let's go over all of Zyra's skins and rank them from worst to best. Which ones should you get if you've got the funds for some pretty cosmetics and which ones fit Zyra the best?

Zyra Skins: Ranking All Of Zyra's Skins

SKT T1 Zyra

SKT T1 2013
Sorry SKT fans but this skin just missed the mark. | © Riot Games

Sure, World Championship skins aren't usually the best skins in the world, but the 2013 SKT T1 Zyra skin just missed the mark. The championship trophy on her back is cute, but other than that there is nothing really special about the skin that would warrant you spending money on it. Pass.

Haunted Zyra

Haunted zyra
This skin is an older one. Zyra has gotten better skins since. | © Riot Games

Turning Zyra into some spectral-ghost creature is a cool idea, but the skin has just been out done by other, newer Zyra skins that have been released since. Sure, the effects of her plants as ghostly-apparitions is a cool touch, but it if you have 1350 RP ready, then there are better skins that can be purchased.

Mythmaker Zyra

Mythmaker zyra
This is a nice skin, but it doesn't hold up to other Zyra skins either. | © Riot Games

This is a decent Zyra skin, but it doesn't hold up to the rest of her skin catalog. Her seeds looking like small lanterns is a cute touch, but the plants and flowers look rather awkward. Honestly, the skin looks much better with the chromas Riot added, but are you willing to buy a skin just to have to pay for chromas on top to make it truly stand out?

Crime City Nightmare Zyra

Crime City Nightmare Zyra
This is a great concept, but Riot should have picked a side. | © Riot Games

Crime City Zyra is a great skin concept, but the execution is a bit lacklustre. Riot should have either gone complete femme fatale with her or made her into a fancy socialite, ready to devour her enemies. Either way, it's a good skin, but unfortunately, not her best.

Wildfire Zyra

Wildfire zyra
This is an oldie, but a goodie. | © Riot Games

Now this is an older skin so we don't have a super fancy recall or anything, but with this being a skin that came out in 2012, it's a damn good one. Her plants turn into fire breathing creatures, she creates small volcanos when she sets her seeds. It all works together perfectly and makes for a great, and affordable, skin.

Dragon Sorceress Zyra

Dragon Sorceress Zyra
Need a sexy dragon lady? Then this is the skin. | © Riot Games

This is a great skin for Zyra. The purple hues look great and she plants little baby dragon eggs all over the map with her passive and her W. In her recall she literally sprouts wings which is super cool and her plants turn into literal dragons. Nothing is cooler than that.

Street Demon Zyra

Street Demon Zyra
This is a pretty cool skin for Zyra and her skin tone looks incredible! | © Riot Games

The visual effects on Street Demon Zyra are just incredible and managed to catapult the skin so high. Her outfit looks great and the way her plants are animated make this skin stand out from the rest of her skin catalog and give her something unique. Her ultimate is literally just paint splashing from the heavens and turning into a killer ability, which is a super nice touch and make it one of the best skins she has.

Crystal Rose Zyra

Swain Crystal Rose Skin
This skin gives her some new flavour. | © Riot Games

While Zyra is often depicted as some evil man-eating creature through her skins, with Crystal Rose, Riot did something completely different with her. Sure, the flower theme is still there, with her plants turning into giant roses, but the color theme looks great and makes her stand out from other skins in her catalog.

Coven Zyra

Coven Zyra
This is the best Zyra skin. You can't change my mind. | © Riot Games

There is no skin that better fits to Zyra than her Coven thematic. The plague mask seeds that grow on the ground, the high-fashion dress which fits perfectly with her aesthetic... all of it came together to create the best Zyra skin in the game. This skin has great spell effects, sound effects and just looks incredible. If you want to spend 1350 RP on any Zyra skin, then this should be your number one choice.

These are all of Zyra's skins ranked. Since the prestige skin can only come around every few months in the mythic shop, we decided not to add it into the ranking this time around.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....