Capcom Might Bring Back Classic Franchises – And You Can Decide Which Ones

A new Capcom survey has been sent out that asks fans which classic games they would most like to see new games for.

Capcom Classics Okami Mega Man
Capcom is looking into bringing back old franchises. | © Capcom

Fans are demanding the return of their beloved old franchises all the time, usually falling on deaf ears. Capcom is going with a different approach, directly asking fans in a new survey what franchises they want to see a new game of.

This survey, titled Super Elections, is pretty elaborate and asks you ten questions about Capcom. Most questions are fairly standard, like what your favorite Capcom game is or what you associate the company with. Questions five and six raised some eyebrows, though, as they directly ask about some potential comebacks for older franchises.

Mega Man, Dead Rising, Dino Crisis & More Classic Franchises Are On Capcom’s Mind

One question asks players if there are “any Capcom game series that you would like to see get a sequel or new game”, which includes a ton of fantastic titles we haven’t seen in a while. Okami, Onimusha, Mega Man, Dead Rising, Lost Planet – the list of options here goes on and on.

Capcom Survey
I hope people didn't pick Street Fighter... | © Capcom

Strangely enough, Capcom also included games that are currently very active or are about to get sequels, like Dragon’s Dogma and Resident Evil, which apparently has five new games in development.

The second question is also interesting, inquiring whether players want to see a game “completely remade with the latest technology”. Yes Capcom, I would love to see remakes of the Onimusha trilogy, actually.

While this a very interesting move by Capcom, fans shouldn’t expect too much from it for now. Publishers occasionally run surveys like that to gauge interest in potential new projects. That does not mean we will get a new Lost Planet or Okami game.

Something might come out of it, though, and it’s definitely good that Capcom is giving fans a platform to channel their energy into. So many people on Twitter want a new Dino Crisis, now they can directly say so. Neat!

However… what’s up with not having Viewtiful Joe in here, Capcom? That’s just sad. Bring back my boy Joe!

What classic Capcom franchise would you like to see come back? Let us know in the comments! But please don’t say Street Fighter or Resident Evil…

Faris Delalic

Faris has been obsessed with gaming since his childhood and is now the Gaming lead at EarlyGame. He is a self-described FromSoftware shill, but also loves games like Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3 and Resident Evil 4....