Dragon's Dogma 2 Character Creator Out Now, Let's You Keep Your Monstrosities For The Full Game

Dragon's Dogma fans have been eagerly anticipating a demo for the sequel. Although Capcom did not announce a gameplay demo in their Highlights stream, they did reveal the character creator and storage.

The new Character Editor in Dragon's Dogma 2. | © Capcom

Dragon's Dogma II has a really in-depth character creator, which players can already spend hours in to perfect the appearance of their hero. That offers a great opportunity to preview it before the official release. Capcom has released the game's character creator, and you can dive into it right now.

If you take advantage of the pre-release character creator and build a hero now, you'll be able to transfer your character into the full game when it launches on March 22, 2024.


Be Prepared To Start The Game Without Getting Lost In Details

The character editor in Dragon's Dogma 2 is incredibly detailed. You can customize almost every aspect to create your perfect character. The developer team's goal was to give players as much freedom as possible. If you are someone who spends hours creating the perfect (or horrendous) character before you can even start playing, the character editor with storage may be for you.

Take your time creating your character. | © Capcom

How does it work?

It's simple. Visit the official Dragon's Dogma 2 website and click on 'System — Character Creation'. From there, you can start downloading the free demo on Xbox, PlayStation, or Steam. Of course, you can also download it directly from those platforms.


Once you have finished creating your character, you can save it and be ready to dive right into the game when it launches on March 22, 2024. Dragon's Dogma 2 is available for pre-order on PS5 and Xbox.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
