"It's The Law": Helldivers 2 Dev Promises Players He Would Never Turn Off Friendly Fire

Democracy, freedom and, of course, equality: turning off friendly fire in Helldivers 2would also call for the same treatment for enemies and nobody wants that. Players don't have to worry, though.

Helldivers 2 friendly fire
Friendly Fire Stays, Says Helldivers 2 Dev. As He Should. | © Arrowhead Studios

Our favorite game developer has calmed the fears of players regarding friendly fire in Helldivers 2 – namely that it could be turned off someday. That would be devastating! Not only is hitting fellow Divers fun, sometimes it's even necessary. What are you supposed to do if one of your squad members turns their back on democracy other than shoot them, I ask?

That's why Pilestedt took to Twitter/X to ease those fears and concerns about the future of Super Earth protecting citizens and their friendly fire. He's doing his part, as always.

"It's The Law" – Yes, It Is, So Let's Keep Friendly Fire In Helldivers 2

Personally, as a passionate Diver and defender of Super Earth, it is essential to my work that friendly fire stays on. Many fellow Divers share this sentiment and now, game dev Johan Pilestedt has once again assured players in this special way of his.

Replying to a fan's praise about friendly fire by correctly stating that "It's funny blowing up friends on accident!", he said exactly what fans wanted to hear.

And it is the law if Pilestedt says so. Freedom is one thing, and following Pilestedt's law is freeing as nothing else is. Also, there's a reason the handbook says "Friendly fire isn't." Just stick to that! But, as every Diver knows, casualties happen, but imagine bullet damage against enemies was turned off? A catastrophe! How could you possibly defend Super Earth?

Also, don't forget: "Every bullet fired is a freedom seed planted in the hearts of our enemies." So bullets need to keep flying, and if there's a mate in the way, so be it.

Ignacio Weil

Content creator for EarlyGame ES and connoisseur of indie and horror games! From the Dreamcast to PC, Ignacio has always had a passion for niche games and story-driven experiences....