Surprising Twist In Blue Beam Affair: Soldier's Sacrifice Makes Helldivers 2 CEO Buckle

In Helldivers 2, sightings of blue laser beams and flying bugs were reported, leading the community to believe that they would soon face a new, larger battle. Now, evidence has emerged to support their suspicions, putting the studio boss in a difficult position.

Helldivers 2 beams
Laser beams and flying bugs captured in one single image. | © Arrowhead/wildcard17o

The drama is escalating in the Helldivers 2 community! First, players spotted flying bugs, then blue laser beams in the sky, only to be called paranoid by the game's director, Johan Pilestedt, afterward. The announcement of a new faction called Illuminates, already known from the first Helldivers, was suspected behind the beams, but Pilestedt denied these assumptions. Now, clear evidence has been provided for both phenomena, the bugs and the beams, putting the studio boss in a tight spot.

"It's All Real, The Lasers, The Flying Terminids, Everything!" Brave Soldier Delivers Overwhelming Evidence

Reddit user wildcard17o posted a screenshot of his daring action, in which he managed to capture both the flying bugs and the mysterious blue laser beams.


In the screenshot, you can clearly see the terminids in the middle and a blue laser in the top left corner of the screen. Wildcard17o writes: "It's all real, the lasers, the flying terminids, everything!" thus proving that the previous sightings by other players were not figments of imagination.

In the comments, he reported risking his life for this snapshot, with adrenaline still coursing through his body, as he writes everything in all caps. A true hero.

But that's not the end of the story. Twitter account @HelldiversAlert reposted the screenshot on the social media platform, attracting the attention of studio boss Pilestedt, who previously denied that these phenomena were real. His reaction to this overwhelming evidence speaks volumes.

Am I the only one who has an image of a crumpled witness from Ace Attorney in their head, cornered by an impenetrable chain of evidence? Yes? Okay, never mind.

With that, it should now be clear that the blue beams exist and another faction will likely soon enter the battlefield. We owe this to the fearless soldiers who prioritize the well-being of the public and the democracy over their own lives.


The flying bugs have been officially added to the game shortly after Pilestedt's admission. They are called Shriekers, you can find them on the planet Fori Prime and they suck.

Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....