The Best Warzone 2.0 MCPR-300 Loadout | The Most Balanced Sniper

Some Snipers can one-shot enemies again, finally. One of the best currently is the MCPR. Here is the best MCPR-300 loadout for Warzone.

MCPR-300 Loadout Logo
Here is the best MCPR-300 Warzone 2 loadout. | © EarlyGame

Thanks to the Season 3 update, Snipers can finally one-shot a three-plated enemy in Warzone 2. This should make snipers far more popular nowadays. But even if you don't one-shot, they aren't completely useless, and especially in Resurgence you're often only fighting enemies with two plates in. So if you like using snipers, don't worry, you can still make them work.

The Victus is the best sniper for extreme long-range, and the SPX is the best sniper for short-range, but we find the MCPR-300 is one of the best all around snipers. Great for both Al Mazrah and Ashika Island. You can find the best loadout for the MCPR below.


The Best MCPR-300 Attachment Setup

MCPR-300 Setup
This is the best MCPR-300 setup. | © Activision/EarlyGame


How To UnlockAttachment Tuning
Barrel22" OMX-456MCPR-300 to Level 11Aim Walking Speed (-0.50 lb) / Damage Range (+0.40 in)


SZ 1MW PEQSP-R 208 to Level 2Aim Walking Steadiness (+0.48 oz) / Aiming Idle Stability (+50.00 ft)

FSS Merc Stock

MCPR-300 to Level 12

Aim Down Sight (-2.25 oz) / Aiming Idle Stability (+1.12 in)


5 Round Mag

FTac Recon toLevel 3Default
Ammunition.400 Mag ExplosiveMCPR-300 to Level 17

Damage Range (+0.55 g) / Bullet Velocity (+6.75 gr)

As you can see with the tuning, our goal with this build is to increase bullet velocity, damage range, and aiming idle stability. We aren't living in the age of the Kar98k or the Swiss K31 anymore; short-range sniping is much less of a thing in Warzone 2, and so we don't need increased aim down sight speed as much as we did in Warzone 1.The explosive ammunition is mandatory, cause otherwise the MCPR can't one-shot fully plated enemies

If you don't like the default optic then we recommend removing the stock first.


WZ 2.0 Victus-XMR Loadout: Secondary, Perks & Equipment

Secondary: Lachmann Sub

Lachmann Sub
Push to your heart's content. | © Activision / EarlyGame

The Lachmann Sub is the absolute short-range meta since the Vanzev and the Fennec were both nerfed. It has great mobility, it's quite comfortable to use, and the TTK is outstanding up-close. Of course, the damage drop-off is quite punishing, but that's worth it to always win close-range gunfights (especially for Resurgence players).

Perks (Base, Bonus & Ultimate)

In Warzone 2 we can finally choose our own perks again:

Base Perk

Overkill / Battle Hardened

Bonus PerkFast Hands
Ultimate Perk

High Alert

High Alert is great when sniping because you'll often die to people sneaking up on you. Fast Hands is also particularly good for a sniper loadout because we absolutely need to change weapons quickly when we hear someone - it's not like with an AR or LMG, where you can stand at least a small chance against an SMG. And to round us out we went for Overkill and Battle Hardened, which are probably the best base perks right now.


Equipment (Lethal & Tacticals)

LethalDrill Charge

Flash Grenade

The Drill Charge is just amazingly good fun, so we'll take that. Plus we can use it against vehicles (and thanks to the ridiculous speed at which you throw the Drill Charge it will probably hit). Then for a tactical we've gone for Flash grenades. Now in most Call of Duty games the stun is superior, but in MW2 and Warzone 2 the flash from this grenade is insane, and even more effective than the stun grenade.

So that's our recommendation for a good Warzone 2.0 sniper loadout. If you just hate snipers though, you can't go wrong with the Lachmann 556 right now.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....