Barbie Goes To Narnia: Greta Gerwig Secures Deal With Netflix

Greta Gerwig's Barbie is everywhere on the internet right now. The director now spoke about her deal with Netflix, concerning new Narnia movies.

Barbie goes to Narnia
That would be a hell of a cross over. I'm curious what Gerwig will to with the source material from C. S. Lewis. | © Warner Bros./EarlyGame

It's been over ten years since the last Chronicles of Narnia movie and the announced fourth movie, The Silver Chair, never released. In October 2018 it was revealed that Netflix and the C. S. Lewis Company had come to a multi-year agreement to develop a new adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia. Well, that was five years ago. And now?

Barbie Goes To Narnia: Greta Gerwig And Netflix Made A Deal

Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie, which releases on July 21, 2023, the same day as Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, will possibly be (one of) the best movie(s) this summer. Gerwig already has a new project to look after, as soon as Barbie is released. According to an article in The New Yorker, she has a deal with Netflix for at least two Chronicles of Narnia movies.

Netflix is the first company ever to hold the rights of all seven novels, but it remains unclear, to this date, which of these novels will be the first one for them to adapt. Although in 2018 Mark Gordon, who serves as an executive producer on all upcoming Narnia shows, said:

Narnia is one of those rare properties that spans multiple generations and geographies (...) We cannot wait to get started on the multiple productions we hope to undertake.

We are still waiting.

The last time Netflix said something about Narnia was in a few Tweets from 2019 to 2021, all from the French Twitter account. One of them, from February 2020, says:

* Open the wardrobe*The Chronicles of Narnia series and films are still in the pipeline. * Close the wardrobe *

While in another Tweet from March 2021 states, that the series and movies about Narnia are in preparation – whatever that means exactly. So maybe it is a good omen, that Gerwig spoke about her involvement with the Narnia series in July 2023, meaning that we'll get some more information in the near future about it. Until then, we can watch Barbie (and Oppenheimer, of course) to get the time passing by and get a taste of Gerwig's work.

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Inga Mainka
Inga Mainka