Alan Wake 2: How To Save The Game

When you start Alan Wake 2, there is no option to save the game in the main menu. Don't worry, this is normal, you need to manually unlock the ability to save. Here is how to unlock that feature and save games in Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2: How To Save Game
Alan Wake 2: Here is a guide on how to save the game. | © Epic Games

Alan Wake 2 is not going to hold you by the hand and lovingly show you how to use all its features and solve every puzzle. This is a game that spits you out into the world cold and alone, and it's your job to make sense of it all. The save feature is a great example of this; you will need to unlock the ability to save for yourself, it isn't just "given" to the player for free.

Complete instructions on how to unlock the save game feature can be found below. Don't worry, it isn't that hard, but you do need to be a few hours into the story.


How To Save In Alan Wake 2

If you want to create a save game in Alan Wake 2 you will need to progress the story until you have turned on the lights in the Witch's Hut, which is a task you will complete about two-three hours into the game. Before this point, the game will automatically save at certain checkpoints, but you will not be able to save the game manually.

Once you have turned on the lights in the Witch's hut, you can simply go inside and interact with the coffee thermos to Quicksave or create a Manual Save. Here is the difference between the two:

  • Quicksave: The game will automatically be saved in an extra slot.
  • Manual Save: You will be taken to the save menu, where you will be asked to choose between one of three save slots.

So, long story short: If you're worried about why you can't save game in Alan Wake 2, just keep playing and this feature will soon be unlocked.

Alan Wake 2 Save Game
Alan Wake 2: The save game feature can be used by returning to this suspiciously cozy Witch's Hut. | © Epic Games

Relaxing in a Witch's Hut feels like tempting fate, but if you want to save in Alan Wake 2, then that's what you have to do. Don't worry if the Hut is not your resort of choice: you will find other save rooms throughout the game which will allow you to save. And not all of them are super creepy.


TitleAlan Wake 2
Release Date

October 27


$59.99 (PS5 & Xbox Series X|S) / $49.99 (PC)
Studio / PublisherRemedy Entertainment / Epic Games
Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....