Alan Wake 2 Saga Shotgun Guide: Padlock Code & How To Unlock The Weapon In The General Store

In Alan Wake 2, you can find a shotgun inside a display case at the back of the General Store near Cauldron Lake, but it's locked with a combination padlock. Here is a guide on how to get the padlock open and unlock the shotgun.

Alan Wake 2 Padlock Code & Unlocking The Shotgun
Alan Wake 2: Unlock this padlock and you get a shotgun! | © Epic Games / EarlyGame

Alan Wake 2 might feature fewer enemies than the first game, but those individual enemies feel much harder, and they're going to take more firepower to take down. Luckily you don't need to rely on just the pistol, as there are other, more powerful weapons to unlock, including a sawn-off shotgun.

Once you progress the main story past the point of getting the lights in the Witch's house to work, you will be given the goal "Find Nightingale's Heart In The General Store". Going to the General Store will initiate a fight with this cultist:

general store cultist
Alan Wake 2: The shotgun is unlockable after killing this cultist. | © Epic Games / EarlyGame

After you have killed the cultist, you will be able to access a new area at the back of the General Store, and in this area you will see a locked display case on the wall with a shotgun inside. Interact with the padlock and use the combination 7-3-9 to open the display case and unlock the shotgun. It really is that simple.

If you would like to know the legit way to discover the padlock code in Alan Wake 2, keep reading.


How To Find The Code To Unlock The Shotgun

If you want to discover the padlock combination to unlock the shotgun, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the cashier's register in the General Store.
  2. Investigate the note beside the register, and you will see all the previous codes that were used to lock the shotgun's display case padlock.
  3. The previous owner had been taking two numbers at a time from the nearby lottery ticket and adding a "7" to make new codes. Hence, from the lottery number 05-13-17-23-39-45, the cashier had already made and used the codes 705, 713, 717, 723.
  4. We can deduce that for the next code they will use the next number in the sequence, which is 39, but add a 7, giving us 739.

This is where the note can be found:

Alan Wake 2 Shotgun Padlock
Alan Wake 2: If you want to open the padlock and unlock the shotgun's display case, here is where you find the code. | © Epic Games

And it's really that simple, now get that shotgun and catch yourself some cultists!


TitleAlan Wake 2
Release Date

October 27


$59.99 (PS5 & Xbox Series X|S) / $49.99 (PC)
Studio / PublisherRemedy Entertainment / Epic Games
Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....