Before the Phantom Liberty expansion, Cyberpunk 2077 already had multiple endings. But the DLC added even more to the list, and all of them have their own Trophy/Achievement as well. Here is how you get them all in a single playthrough!

With the Phantom Liberty expansion, we get to see another side of Cyberpunk 2077's Night City and we get to experience a new storyline connected to the main campaign's ending.
With the expansion, you'll also discover five unique endings, each with a Trophy/Achievement attached to it. But while they're tied to different endings, do you really need to play the DLC five times? No, there is another option!
We'll tell you how to get every ending in a single playthrough! All we need are strategically, well-placed manual saves!
Be reminded: We enter heavy spoiler territory!
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: Prep For All Endings

To get ready for collecting the Trophy/Achievements, you need to first play through the story until you get to the main quest, "Firestarter". Once there, you'll eventually need to decide if you want to help Songbird or Solomon Reed.
Make here [your first manual save file] and never overwrite it! You can only get 3 out of 5 endings on each path, so you'll need to go back and choose a different path after you've reached the first three endings. This means you'll have to backtrack a bit, but it shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 hours.
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: All Endings

The "Firestarter" quest is our starting point as we created the manual save here, and venture forth to get our first ending:
Ending #1 – King Of Wands
Help Songbird by picking the answer "Help Songbird escape | I'm with you" and finish the "Firestarter" quest. If you need help how to progress further, our guide to this mission will surely help you!
After you waited three in-game days, Songbird will call you and this will trigger "The Killing Moon" quest. After you reached the train, [create another manual save], move forward and go up against Solomon Reed and shoot him. With this, you'll see how Songbird escapes and the Trophy/Achievement "King of Wands" will unlock.
Ending #2 – King Of Swords

For this ending, we only need to reload the safe file of the final train ride at "The Killing Moon" quest. This time, you need to call Reed before you enter the train and offer him a deal.
After you reach Reed before the spaceship, pick the following choices:
- Lay Songbird down
- Take good care of her
With this, the next ending is secured, and you'll get the "King of Swords" Trophy/Achievement after the credits rolled.
Ending #3 – The Tower

After you earned "King of Swords" don't reload! We will get the next Trophy/Achievement in no time!
Reed will call you afterward and start the next quests in the following order:
- Through Pain to Heaven
- Who Wants to Live Forever
- Things Done Changed
All the choices during those quests don't matter. Once you reached the ending of the last quest, "The Tower" ending will unlock, and you reached a complete new conclusion for V's predicament.
Ending #4 – King of Cups

With the first three Trophy/Achievements in your bag, it's time to reload the save from the "Firestarter" quest where we started!
This time you need to pick the opposite choice and help Reed capture Songbird. While chasing her down, complete the quest and begin the "Somewhat Damaged" quest line. Once you reach the core, make [another manual save file].
You'll eventually be presented with the dialogue option to kill Songbird, pick "Kill So Mi" and "I'll do it". This will lock the ending "King of Cups" for good and the other choices don't matter anymore.
Ending #5 – King Of Pentacles

This is the last round, as we're approaching the final ending Trophy/Achievement for Phantom Liberty. And for this one, you need to reload the save file you created in "Somewhat Damaged" before you reached the core.
This time you need to pick the following answers:
- Ain't over yet
- That's not a solution
- Spare So Mi
- Won't do it
Once you reach the end of the quest "Leave in Silence" the "King of Pentacles" will unlock.
With this, you have all endings, without playing through the whole Phantom Liberty expansion. Congratulation!