Diablo 4 Treasure Goblins Desperately Need To Change

In Diablo 4, Treasure Goblins promise to drop amazing loot for killing them. But players are extremely disappointed by them and are calling for change.

Treasure goblin Diablo 4
The Diablo 4 community wants better Treasure Goblins. | © Blizzard

Treasure Goblins are a staple in the Diablo series, and Diablo 4 of course has them as well. They drop gold and even loot, if you manage to kill them in time. Sounds great, right?

It usually is. But the players absolutely hate them in Diablo 4 and are calling for Blizzard to change how Goblins work.

Diablo 4's Treasure Goblins: Community Calls For Change

One post on the Diablo 4 subreddit, which complained about the Treasure Goblins and called for them to be buffed, got a lot of attention from the community. Most players agree that the Treasure Goblins are wack. Killing them is just not worth it, as they usually don’t drop anything useful.If you need help with the game, check out this awesome Diablo 4 Strategy Guide on Amazon

Im not sure if i have bad luck but I usually just get a couple mediocre yellows and a couple gems. I think they need to up the loot tables on treasure goblins also HP buff make them more challenging and rewarding. A challenging loot piñata you can actually get excited when you spot one. – u/featurecast on Reddit

Many players agreed with this opinion, stating that they hope Blizzard will make them more useful in the future. So far, the developer has not addressed this issue directly. We assume that the Goblins will eventually become more useful and rewarding though… at least we hope so.

Faris Delalic

Faris has been obsessed with gaming since his childhood and is now the Gaming lead at EarlyGame. He is a self-described FromSoftware shill, but also loves games like Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3 and Resident Evil 4....