If you want to know whether you can play Elden Ring crossplay in multiplayer and what the cross-platform situation is, you've come to the right place. Elden Ring does not support Crossplay in the classical way - however, there are ways to play together on different consoles under certain conditions. We summarize everything you need to know on this topic here.

Elden Ring's crossplay situation is a surprisingly complex topic. Just like the old Soulsborne games, Elden Ring has a number of cool multiplayer features. And just like in the spiritual predecessors, these are not so easy to find and use in Elden Ring.
So does Elden Ring also have crossplay? Can you explore The Lands Between together with a PC buddy, while you are rocking the PS4? We have the answer here, so let's take a look!
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Elden Ring Crossplay: No Support In Sight

Unfortunately, Elden Ring does currently not support crossplay (at least not in the classical understanding; you can play together on different console generations, more on that further below). That is a real shame because we love the multiplayer, and we love playing this amazing game with our friends. Sure, Elden Ring is primarily a single player game, and that is how you should experience most of the game. But it can get lonely out there, you know? Having a friend by your side is not just super fun, it can also make some of the tough bosses like Malenia a lot easier.
It's unlikely that From Software will integrate crossplay later, since the company hasn't said anything about it at all, neither in a press release nor as part of the now revealed Elden Ring DLC.
That's the situation, and I personally wouldn't expect this to change, since the Dark Souls games, as well as Bloodborne, never had crossplay features implemented in the games, not even in post-launch patches.
So, for the moment: No, if you're on PlayStation you can't play with your friends on Xbox or PC and vice versa. However, Elden Ring does support Cross-Gen play. We'll show you what that means.
Elden Ring Cross-Gen Play Explained

Cross-Gen is a special form of crossplay, limited to a certain console series. It means that you can play with other players who have the same family of consoles, so Xbox One can play with Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 4 can play with PlayStation 5. And yes, that works in Elden Ring. So you are not totally alone when playing Elden Ring, you at least have some options. Unless you're on PC... sorry folks, the whole PC-Masterrace thing is once again being undermined.
While it's unfortunately not full crossplay in Elden Ring, you are at least not completely shackled to the player base of your console. That is at least something, right? Something is always better than nothing!
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How Multiplayer Works In Elden Ring
Elden Ring multiplayer works similarly to the Dark Souls games, meaning that players can be summoned by other players through signs that they leave in-game. Players can also invade each other games for some PvP action.
The big difference to the Dark Souls games is, that you don't need any prerequisite in order to play multiplayer. Meaning that yes, you still need to use consumables, but they can be easily crafted in Elden Ring. You don't need Humanity or Embers anymore, like you did in Dark Souls 1 or 3 respectively.
That's a great change which makes multiplayer more accessible and easier to use. It's even more of a shame that Elden Ring doesn't support crossplay and that our possibilities and the potential player base are limited that way.
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