Naughty Dog Devs Tease Possible Fantasy Setting In Their Next Game

In a recent interview the Naughty Dog developers seemed to be hinting at a possible fantasy title in development.

Naughty Dog Fantasy Game
A fantasy game from the makers of The Last of Us? | © Naughty Dog / CDPR

We know that Naughty Dog are still working on a multiplayer TLOU game, but once they've released this title, we actually don't expect them to begin working on TLOU Part 3 straight away. Instead, we think we will see an entirely new IP from the studio.

Now, this current piece of news is just speculation really. It's based on a very small hint from the developers. But this possible hint from Naughty Dog has got fans discussing a fantasy game, so we wanted to share it with you.


Naughty Dog Devs Mention Working With "Magic"

In a recent documentary, the devs at Naught Dog were discussing what it's like to work with sound in video games, and in a passing comment one of them specifically mentioned working on a "big game with magic". This is exactly what they said:

When there's, you know, when you're working on a big game that involves magic or, you know, sort of hyper realism in a really substantial way, it's easy to hide behind, you know, big sound.

As we said up top, this isn't proof of anything, but it could suggest Naughty Dog are currently working on a game with magic themselves. And what games have magic? Fantasy games of course!

Would you be up for a Naughty Dog fantasy game? Maybe something to keep us going until the release of Elder Scrolls 6?

If they ever do a fantasy game, let's hope they learn something from the experts:

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....