Persona 5 Tactica Characters: Gameplay, Story & More

Atlus announced another new batch of details about their upcoming SRPG Persona 5 Tactica and gave us a closer look at Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, a brand-new character, the story and the battle system.

Persona 5 Tactica: We have all the new details from this upcoming Persona 5 spin-off© Atlus

Only a while ago, Atlus introduced us to Erina, the newest addition to the Phantom Thieves. But it seems this wasn't all they had in store for us.

With the next "Nyahoo!" episode, Atlus revealed a lot of new details about the upcoming Strategy RPG, including information of the old cast, the story and some other things.

Let's get right into it!


Persona 5 Tactica Characters: The Story Leads Us Into A New Realm

The original Persona 5 Royal cast (the Phantom Thieves of Hearts), are thrown into a mysterious realm called "Kingdom". At their arrival they got attacked by a group called "Legionnaires" and their leader "Marie".

Everyone except Joker and Morgana got brainwashed by Marie. They only managed to escape with the help of the leader of the revolutionary army, Erina. She led them to their hiding place and for some reason it looks like their own base of operation: The coffee shop Leblanc!

After making a deal with Erina, they decide to rescue the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The search leads to another prisoner of Marie, a man called "Toshiro Kasukabe". A politician from the real world without the memories of how he came into this realm and why he is being imprisoned.

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Persona 5 Tactica: All Revealed Characters

Ryuji Sakamoto (Skull)

Ryuji Sakamoto returns once more as "Skull" with his Persona "Captain Kid", who he has awakened to while wandering through a strange realm called "Palace".

  • He's a notorious troublemaker after a teacher broke his leg, only to claim this incident as "self-defense"
  • Ryuji is quick with his fists but is also full of compassion and bravery
  • He sympathizes with Joker, as they share similar circumstances and quickly became friends and formed The Phantom Thieves of Hearts

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Ann Takamaki (Panther)

Ann Takamaki returns as "Panther" with her Persona Carmen whom she awakened to while she stood up and take revenge against evil adults.

  • She's a kind-hearted young woman who got isolated from others because of her looks
  • Ann went to the same school as Joker and Skull and made many sacrifices to protect her best friend from a teacher
  • With her strong-willed personality, she takes on the evil head on and protects the weaker people around her

Toshiro Kasukabe

Toshiro Kasukabe is a young member of the Diet, and apparently he'll become the next Prime Minster.

  • He got himself imprisoned in the "Kingdom" after wandering into an alternate realm
  • After his rescue he joins the Phantom Thieves and they work together hoping to be able to escape
  • He has a very logical way of thinking and looks at situation with a higher, commander-like perspective


New Gameplay Features Includes A Skill Tree & More

Persona 5 Tactica: Using the Voltage gauge lets you utilize a special move © Atlus

Skill Tree & "Talk" Feature

  • Every party member has their own individual Skill Tree
  • Acquired skills can be reset at any time, encouraging you to try out new and unique play styles
  • Grow Points (GP) are used for the skills and can be obtained by raising the level of the Phantom Thieves through battles, or by watching character conversations – so-called "Talk"
  • With the "Talk" feature, you can witness conversations about the story and funny dialogues between the characters


New Battle System Without Weaknesses

We're swapping a turn-based battle system from Persona 5 Royal against a tactical one, where you have to be mindful of your surroundings.

  • Utilizing the "Cover" option is a mandatory gameplay mechanic
  • Cover allows you to enter the "Guard Mode" and lessen the amount of damage taken by enemies and prevent them from launching another attack
  • The enemies may as well use Cover and keep up a Guard Mode, preventing you from another attack – so-called "1MORE"
  • After your "Voltage" gauge fills up completely you can trigger a "Unique Skill" providing you with different effects
  • Moving away from the weakness system, your skills trigger statuses on enemies like:
    • Agi – Forces an enemy to be in a damage-receiving state at the end of a turn
    • Zio – Stops enemy movements for one turn

The battle cycle looks like this: Utilizing the correct Skills granting the enemies a bad status → removing them from Guard Mode → activate another attack (1MORE).

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Persona 5 Tactica arrives on November 17 for PC (Steam and Xbox Game Pass), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Switch and Xbox One.

Ewelyn Derc

Ewelyn is a Content Creator at EarlyGame. She's mainly interested in everything that comes from Japan and has to do with JRPGs. But also Souls-like, Indies, Shooter, Rogue-likes, Otome, Visual Novel and more are in her field of expertise....