Petition Demands Microsoft's Starfield To Be PS5 Exclusive

Mircosoft's Starfield will be released on PC and Xbox, while PlayStation players come up empty. A Petition want to change this. Read everything you need to know about the newest "internet doing his thing".

A petition demands that Starfield will be a PlayStation exclusive title |©Bethesda

Nobody is more active than disgruntled gamers on the internet. Making YouTube videos, writing tons of Tweets and typing endless amounts of Reddit Threads, these are just a few reactions that are commonly seen, when gamers feel mistreated.

In the case of Mircosoft's newest hype project, Starfield, it's time for the PlayStation players to complain. Since the announcement that Starfield is set to release just on PC and Xbox, PlayStation owners are running wild. The newest action is now a petition with the goal to make Starfield a PS5 exclusive title.

Here is everything you need to know about this petition.

Petition Demands Starfield To Be PS5 Exclusive

So, since June 15th there is a petition on which has the goal to make Starfield a PlayStation 5 exclusive title. It was set up by the user Benjamin Dickey and wants to reach 2,500 signatures. At the time of writing 2,071 signatures have been collected, so only a few hundreds are still missing.

Here are some of the main arguments, that user Benjamin Dickey leads into the field. Some of them logical, some are "more emotional":

  • That Starfield will be an Xbox exclusive title, will not only hurt the PlayStation players but the player base in general. These would stifle the amount of players PlayStation has, so that Microsoft won't have competition anymore and can charge higher prices.
  • And this has to be my favorite: "Second, Xbox and its 12 dedicated players do NOT deserve Starfield or any exclusivity. Not only are they arrogant and annoying but since the showcase they have been irritating. They keep sharing Starfield news telling us "get an xbox" like if they didn't complain about Spiderman or Ghost of Tsushima or any of the PS titles themselves."
  • Another argument is that there are some bad examples for Xbox exclusive titles, like Redfall or Halo Infinite, so it would be a bad sign for the game already. "If it releases on PlayStation, there's a 90% chance that it's a good game. There's no other way around it. Anyone who says otherwise is deceiving you and is the reason the gaming industry has such low standards today. Unless you want to see Starfield fail, YOU NEED to have it on" The 30 FPS would be just the tip of the iceberg.
Starfield 2
Will the 30 FPS be a problem for Starfield? |©Bethesda

You can find all the arguments by Benjamin Dickey on the website.

The petition ends with a call to action:

Signing this petition is just the start. We need to go out and protest at GameStops and Walmarts on Starfields release date. We need to submit legislation to our local representatives to FORCE Microsoft to comply. We need to go out in mass and stop people from buying copies in launch date. Even better go online and report every video you see praising Starfield until we make it exclusive for us and ONLY us.

Only the future will show, if this petition will reach his goals of 2,500 signatures and if this will be enough to change Bethesda's or Micorsoft's mind.

Henning Paul
Henning Paul