Red Dead Redemption 3 Is A Certainty For Lead Actor

Yeah, GTA 6 is nice and all, but what about Red Dead Redemption 3? Does anyone think about the cowboys and cowgirls at heart? The answer is a resounding yes: none other than Roger Clark, better known as wonderful Arthur Morgan from RDR2, has spoken out about the next game – and he's certain it will happen.

RDR2 cinematic screenshot
Red Dead Redemption 3 Is Certain, According To Lead Actor | © Rockstar

After the news of GTA 6 broke and the trailer got leaked, the internet was on fire – understandably so. But as a cowgirl at heart, a single tear streamed down my face when I watched the trailer and thought about my undying love for the Wild West and especially Arthur Morgan, wishing for another western adventure in the world of Read Dead.

And apparently, I wasn't the only one waiting for any crumbs regarding Read Dead Redemption 3. Roger Clark, the iconic voice of equally iconic RDR2 protagonist Arthur, answered a fans question on Twitter/X if he could share a little bit about a possible sequel for gunslingers.

Roger Clark Is Certain That Red Dead Redemption 3 Will Happen

Initially, Clark shared his thoughts about whether GTA 6 will kill off the online community of GTA 5. That's when a fan asked if Clark has any idea about Read Dead Redemption 3, considering he has worked with Rockstar before. Clutching at straws, are we?

Still, Clark was called, so Clark answered!

Read Dead Redemption 3 is a certainty for him – that's exactly what fans wanted to hear. The answer's bittersweet, though, as he also said that Arthur's story is told, and we shouldn't count on seeing him again. Respectfully, sir, consider this: an Arthur prequel game to make RDR2 even more heart-breaking. What do we think – who could resist a younger Arthur? Rockstar, hit me up, I've got some ideas.

Clark also said that he has no clue when Read Dead Redemption 3 would happen – fair enough. Chances are it'll still take some time. GTA 6 is the next big project and will take up lots of resources in the foreseeable future.

To top it all off, Rockstar likes to take their time. Thankfully, that shows and pays off: the attention to detail in Rockstar games is nearly unparalleled. It took over nine years to get a sequel to Red Dead Redemption and over a decade for GTA to get a new game, so chances are that a new RDR may be closer to 2030 than anything else.

I'll wait.

Tanja Haimerl

Tanja is obsessed with gripping stories in all kinds of media: games, TV shows and books alike. She did her Bachelor's thesis on The Last of Us, got her degree in media studies thanks to that and can't stop talking about it....