“The Hype Is Gone”: The Day Before Gameplay Disappoints Fans

The Day Before is an upcoming zombie MMO, and while the idea is quite compelling, the gameplay has disappointed fans. Here's how the community reacted to the latest gameplay trailer.

The Day Before Gameplay Looks Disappointing
The Day Before's gameplay reveal was not well-received. | © MYTONA

On Thursday, February 2, a ten-minute gameplay trailer was released for The Day Before. Some smaller clips of the game were released last year, but they were more like highlights than a genuine reflection of how the game will play.

Now, before we get into exactly how the community reacted, perhaps you should watch the trailer for yourself. Here it is:

It's not Skull & Bones-level sh*t, but it's certainly not living up to the expectation of fans. And based on how intriguing the concept is, it feels like this game will end up being a huge disappointment compared to what it could have been.

The Day Before Gameplay Trailer Disappoints

The Day Before's gameplay trailer has forced fans to lower their expectations for the upcoming zombie MMO, with many accusing the game of looking unpolished and lacking any real hook besides grinding. The most popular post on the game's Subreddit when the trailer dropped was merely titled: "let's be honest, the video was lame." And the commentors largely agreed, adding their own criticism.

These were people's main issues with the game:

  • The world feels lifeless.
  • There's very little variety in what you actually do.
  • It lacks basic MMO features that keep people grinding.
  • The combat looks fine, but nothing to shout about.

But it was summed up best by u/FingerShanks :

I think a game is there, just nothing special is coming. But the hype is gone.

Are you maintaining your hype for The Day Before? Or are you too laser-focused on next week's massive release to care?

At least Day's Before looks better than this:

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....