What Is Rumbleverse & When Is It Released?

Rumbleverse is everything that Fortnite is, except it's all melee action. What exactly does that mean? We present the game to you here.

Rumbleverse release date
Let's get ready to rumble... but when? | © Epic Games

So, I often wish that Fortnite had more melee action. I'm tired of all the guns and all the shooting in all these games, and I do think it's utterly unnecessary. Unfortunately, there was no solid melee battle royale on the horizon... until now. Imagine my joy when I found out that Epic Games themselves are publishing a melee battle royale that, by all accounts and purposes, looks to be getting the Fortnite treatment. This is huge, so it's about time that everyone learns just what exactly Rumbleverse is.

What Is Rumbleverse?

There. That video right there... that's Rumbleverse and everything you need to know about it. If you can't watch it or don't want to, here's Rumbleverse in bullet points:

  • It's a melee battle royale
  • There are no guns at all
  • It's a 40-person battle royale
  • It's inspired by wrestling
  • Anything can be used as a weapon - signs, mailboxes, other environments
  • You can climb buildings

Basically, imagine a huge wrestling match, or a Rumble Royale rather, that's taking place all over the city, with superpowered characters that can scale buildings and push each other off of them. Accordingly, the name of the city is Grapital City, and the cast of characters is heavily inspired by pro-wrestling.

Much like in Fortnite, you'll be able to customize your characters to your heart's content.

When Will Rumbleverse Be Released?

The game will be released on February 15, and it will be free to play, but you can already join the early access beta on February 8. If you're not sure how, we explain it in this article – it's really simple. If you want guaranteed early access, you can also just buy the aforementioned Early Access Pack for $30. Either way, it won't be long until you can start smashing fools in Grapital City.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....