Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - The Best Armor Sets & How To Get Them

We have an overview of the best armor sets in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for you and we will show you how to get them.

Zelda tears of the kingdom rüstungen
The best armor sets in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. | © Nintendo

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is finally here and the players are grinding like crazy right now. Whether it's shrines, weapons, or dungeons - there's a lot to discover. And those hoping to get all the armor sets in Tears of the Kingdom will have to work hard, because there are more than 30 to find!

And some of them are extremely important to be able to explore certain areas. That's why we have the ultimate guide for you here, which gives you an overview of the most important armors and shows you how to get them.


The Zora Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Zora HelmZora's DomainOn the Floating Scales Island (Land of the Sky Fish east of Mipha place): On the north side, behind the broken fin, there is a secret passage that leads to the treasure chest.
Zora Armor ChestZora's DomainMain quest "Restoring the Zora Armor": Bring the fish to Yona.
Zora GreavesZora's DomainIn the large section of the Zora's Domain there is no more water, so you can discover a hole in the ground in the far corner. Jump down and go straight ahead behind the waterfall. There is the treasure chest with the Zora greaves.

The Flamebreaker Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Flamebreaker HelmShop in Goron CityAvailable in the village store for 1,400 rupees.
Flamebreaker Armor ChestShop in Goron CityAvailable in the village store for 700 rupees.
Flamebreaker BootsShop in Goron CityAvailable in the village store for 1,200 rupees.

The Desert Voe Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Desert Voe HeadbandKara Kara BazaarAvailable in store for 450 rupees.
Desert Voe SpaulderGerudo Secret ShopGo under the throne room of the Gerudo city. There you will find a fountain in the main room. Jump into it and follow the water to the junction. Turn right. At the end of the road, use the Ascend ability and you'll get into the store. The Desert Voe Spaulder is available for 1,300 rupees.
Desert Voe TrousersGerudo Secret ShopProceed in the same way as above. You can get the Desert Voe Trousers for 650 rupees.

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The Snowquill Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Snowquill HeaddressShop in Rito VillageAvailable in the village store for 650 rupees.

Snowquill Tunic

Shop in Rito VillageAvailable in the village store for 500 rupees.
Snowquill TrousersShop in Rito VillageAvailable in the village store for 1000 rupees.

The Stealth Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Stealth MaskShop in Kakariko VillageAvailable in the village store for 500 rupees.
Stealth Chest GuardShop in Kakariko VillageAvailable in the village store for 700 rupees.
Stealth TightsShop in Kakariko VillageAvailable in the village store for 600 rupees.


The Rubber Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Rubber HelmNear Sarjon Woods, coordinates: 1591, -2946, -0023At the end of the cave of Sarjon Woods in chest.
Rubber Armor ChestSouth of Lookout Landing Tower, coordinates: -0082, -1118, -0003At the end of the cave of Whistling Hill in chest.
Rubber TightsHoron Lagoon, coordinates: 4234, -0307, -0027In a chest in the cave of the Horon Lagoon. Turn left at the coordinates, into the entrance of another cave. There you will find a chest with the pants at a place similar to a shrine.


The Glide Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Glide MaskValor IslandTalk to the Steward Construct on the Isle of Valor and complete the Zonai Construct's challenge.
Glide ShirtCourage IslandTalk to the Steward Construct on the Island of Courage and complete the Zonai Construct's challenge.
Glide TightsBravery IslandTalk to the Steward Construct on the Island of Bravery and complete the Zonai Construct's challenge.

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The Climbing Armor Set

Armor PieceLocationHow To Get It
Climber's BandannaPloymus Mountain CaveIn a chest in the Ploymus Mountain Cave
Climbing Armor ChestNorth Hyrule PlainEnter the cave in the North Hyrule Plain. At the end you will find a waterfall in which there is a chest with the armor.
Climbing BootsUpland Zorana Byroad

Go through the heights until you find a chest with armor at the end.

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Oliwia Lewicka

Oliwia was part of EarlyGame's content team. She wrote news and guides for the Gaming, LoL and Entertainment categories....