Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Hebra's Colossal Fossil Guide

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you might find a colossal fossil inside a cave in Hebra mountains. The skeleton is part of a side quest in Zelda: TotK – here's what to do.

Zelda: TotK Hebra's Colossal Fossil Guide
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: The giant fossil of a leviathan greets you inside one of Hebra's caves. | © EarlyGame/Nintendo

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it happens quite often that you stumble upon something... strange. Even if at first the player rarely knows what exactly that particular cherry blossom tree, ruin or giant skeleton is all about, there's often a quest hiding behind it – if it's not a Korok.

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One such example can be found in a cave in icy Hebra, where a gigantic skeleton is embedded in the cave ceiling and makes you hold your breath at first.

What is it all about? Well, we'll tell you!

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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Hebra's Colossal Fossil Quest Explained

Maybe you've searched for this cave after talking to Loone in East Akkala or you just stumbled into the cave in hope of finding shelter from the bitter cold in the Hebra North Summit.

Either way, the entrance to the cave is located at -3814, 3597, 0257 and with enough stamina you can use your paraglider from the Skyview Tower near Rito village. If you're following the quest, you'll find Loone next to a campfire, if not you'll probably go for all the ore deposits.

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TotK Map showing the location of the fossil
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Here you'll find the colossal fossil of Hebra, be sure to prepare for the cold! | © Nintendo/EarlyGame

Anyway, you'll end up beneath the mammoth Leviathan, whose fossil is missing two pieces. The first one can be found on the left side. There, the fin bone somehow got stuck inside the walls of the cave.

Fortunately, there are some bomb flowers nearby, so you can free the fin bone. Now you can use Ultrahand to maneuver the bone across the cave and fit it back in the formation.


TotK Hebra's Colossal Fossil: The fin bone is put in place with Ultrahand
As always, Ultrahand comes in handy. | © Nintendo/EarlyGame

You probably already noticed the giant block of ice. There's no hidden enemy inside it, but indeed the second missing bone. Use some fire fruit or a Zonai device to melt it down and then turn around to, once again with Ultrahand, place the spine bone in its place. This time you'll have to give it a few more tries until you've got it in the right position.


TotK Hebra's Colossal Fossil Spine Bone back in place
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: With the spine bone put back in its place, the fossil is complete. | © Nintendo/EarlyGame

Now with both missing pieces back in place, the Hebra's Colossal Fossil side quest is nearly complete! Just talk to Loone and collect your 50 rupees for your work. If you did this part before the Eldin's Colossal Fossil side quest, just return to the cave after finishing it. Loone will be there and hand you over your reward as she tells you the location of the last colossal fossil.

Zelda TotK Hebra Fossil: Quest Requirements

The reason you looked up a guide to the Hebra fossil may also have been that you actually found out what you have to do by yourself, but just can't find any way to complete the quest, because Loone isn't around.

If that's the case, you will probably not have discovered the Eldin fossil yet. To have Loone appear in the Hebra cave, you have to solve the Eldin fossil quest first. After that, you should have no problem completing the Hebra fossil quest as well.

If you stumble across a Gleeok during your journey, make sure you've checked out this guide!

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Inga Mainka
Inga Mainka