Cheaper By The Dozen: Ubisoft Working On 11 Assassin's Creed Games

Ubisoft has many plans for Assassin's Creed. Currently, 11 games seem to be in various states of development. Here are all the titles and their gameplay type.

Old and new Assassins are present in the 11 Assassin's Creed games Ubisoft is working on | © Ubisoft

Tales of the past and truths revealed is one of the best parts of the Assassin's Creed franchise. But sadly, for the last three years we did not get to dive into history with the Animus. Though we don't need to worry, as Ubisoft has 11 AC games in the works. So the next few years will be full of hidden blades and stabbing of historical figures.

Time for a new adventure: Pre-Order Assassin's Creed Mirage for the classic AC experience!


11 Assassin's Creed Games In The Works At Ubisoft

It seems Ubisoft took the last few years to really think about, what they wanted to do with the franchise after the mixed reaction to AC Valhalla. The game made many old school fans rather mad and seemingly turned them from the franchise. The newest title AC Mirage might be able to change their minds, as Ubisoft wants to return to the roots of the franchise.

But there is much more in the works, so here are all AC games we know about:

Title / Codename
TypeStatus / Release Date

AC Mirage

SingleplayerOctober 12, 2023
AC NexusVREnd of 2023
AC JadeMobileProduction / End of 2023
AC Red
SingeplayerProduction / 2024-2025
AC Hexe
SingleplayerPre-Production / 2025-2026
AC Invictus
MultiplayerPre-Production / 2025-2026
AC Nebula
AC Raid
AC Echoes
AC Nexus 2
AC Black Flag Remake



Some of these titles might already sound familiar to you. Red and Hexe have been surrounded by rumors for years now, and Nexus just got a trailer. Many of the other titles are still shrouded in mystery though and seem still to be years away.

What game are you looking forward to most? I personally love the AC4 Remake, and AC Hexe also sounds fascinating.

Susanne Ehls

Susanne grew up in a gamer household, which made her fall in love with video games. She managed to turn her passion into her job, by working as an intern at EarlyGame and later being promoted to Junior Content Creator....