Community In Shambles Again: Upcoming Square Enix Title To Include AI Art

Square Enix is set to release a brand-new game that looks like Fortnite had a child with Splatoon. But one thing has fans pretty upset.

Foamstars AI Controversy
Square Enix is in hot water once more. | © Square Enix

Square Enix has made quite a few unlikeable comments throughout the last few weeks regarding the use of artificial intelligence within their games. The company is actively using AI tools and have not been shy about admitting to this, but the most recent information, regarding an upcoming title, has fans pretty upset.

Foamstars is a new game by Square Enix which will also be included in PS Plus right from the get-go, but fans have expressed their frustration with the company and how they're utilizing AI.

Foamstars Will Include AI Generated Art

Foamstars header image
Some images in the game were AI generated. | © Square Enix

In a recent New Year's Letter, Square Enix has admitted that they intend to be "aggressive in applying" AI. While this statement rubbed many the wrong way, it seems like Square Enix is only doubling down on this commitment, with their next game already including AI generated art.

Foamstars producer Kosuke Okatani has admitted in an interview with Video Game Chronicle that while the game itself is not made by AI, there are some images and aspects for which Midjourney, a well-known AI image tool, was used.

All of the core elements in Foamstars – the core gameplay, and the things that make the game enjoyable – those are all made by hand. However, we did want to experiment with AI as well. In terms of the content in the game, this makes up about 0.01% or even less, but we have dabbled in it by creating these icons in the game.

While the contribution of AI in the game is minimal, fans still aren't happy with its inclusion. AI, especially art generated by artificial intelligence, is a hot topic that has sparked an immense amount of backlash. So, even if right now Square Enix is just using Midjourney for minimal work, who knows how much will be AI generated in the future.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....