LoL Arena Gets Huge Queue Upgrade With Second Run

Arena is getting some huge improvements and one of them is that you can play with seven of your friends... if you even have that many.

Soul Fighter
LoL Arena is back and it's gotten some major improvements. | © Riot Games

Arena is making a comeback pretty soon and fans are hyped. New cameo's have already been added and there is much more good news! You can now queue with 8-people in this Arena run, which was something many asked for.

So it's time to gather your friends and play in the Arena. Who cares about Summoner's Rift when you can try something different, right?


LoL Arena Will Let You Play With Multiple Friends

Ionia LoL Arena
The arena's are coming back this winter, but will it be the same ones? | © Riot Games

While Arena was a huge success the first time around, there were a few things fans hoped would be improved upon. One of those is that you can now queue up with multiple friends.

Riot revealed in a blog post that groups of 2, 3, 4 and 8 will be able to queue up together. If you decide to play a game of 8-people the outcome will not affect your standing on the Arena ranked ladder, but in all other forms it will have an impact.

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Riot also stated that they will not be adding a 'normal' and 'ranked' queue to the game mode, saying that, "in [their] experience on League and other games, [they've] seen that splitting the queue often does more harm than good in enabling different ways of playing."

Since one queue form seems to usually get fewer players than another, there will only be a ranked Arena mode. Guess even the 'for fun players' will have to sweat it out, right?


Overall, it looks like fans have a lot to be excited about when it comes to the second run of Arena, with new augments which will be more accessible to multiple champions, getting to play custom lobbies, as well as adding in new cameo's to the game. Who is ready for some Arena in LoL Patch 13.23?

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....