Hwei is the newest champion in the mid lane. As an artillery mage with a filled complex kit he's able to deal damage, CC enemies and sustain himself and allies. So, can his kit be useful in other lanes as well?

Hwei is the newest champion on Summoner's Rift and he looks amazing. His animations are smooth and paint a beautiful picture within the game. He also has 10-abilities, making him one of the more complex champions in the game, but it feels right for a painter champion.
So, with such a cool new champion getting added to the League of Legends cast, many players who aren't mid lane mains will want to know whether he can played in other roles. Well, is Hwei a viable APC or support?
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LoL Hwei As A Flex Pick: Support Or APC Role Viable?
Hwei As An APC In League of Legends

We've seen countless mid laners make their way into the bot lane. Swain, Seraphine and Karthus are some of the best bot lane champions we have had throughout the 2023 League of Legends season, and can we add Hwei to this list in the future?
Hwei seems to rely heavily on skill shots, which is something most bot laners do as well. Having a lane partner on his side will be advantageous to him landing those abilities to get the most out of his damage.
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Add in all the crowd control he's got thanks to his E abilities, and you can truly work out coordinated plays with a support by your side.
His Q abilities also have AoE abilities and his W is able to enhance an allies abilities. All of this sounds eerily similar to Seraphine who is one of the best APC champions in the game, so we can definitely see Hwei in the bot lane as well if players want to give him a chance and a try.
Hwei As A Support In League of Legends

Hwei's got such a versatile kit that he doesn't seem to have to be the main damage dealer. Instead, you can focus on his W and E abilities which offer utility and control which is what you would love to have from a support, right?
Using his WQ combo, Hwei can grant himself and his allies move speed, and his WW is also able to shield allies. All of these sound like great assets to have in the bot lane as a support, right? Right.
Through his E abilities he's got multiple forms of crowd control with a fear, root and a slow which will only enable his bot lane partner to be able to get the kills he needs. Overall, Hwei seems like the perfect fit in the support position as well.
Of course, he is meant to be played as an artillery mage in the mid lane, but it's always fun to try out champions in other roles, so give Hwei a chance in the bot lane as either a support or APC and you won't be disappointed.
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