LoL Winterblessed 2023 Event: Start, Battle Pass & Loot

The 2023 LoL Winterblessed event is here and there is a lot to unpack. Once again, we're getting a bunch of new skins, as well as other key rewards. And all are part of the event pass, so make sure to check whether you want to pick up the Battle Pass for all this unique loot.

Winterblessed Camille Prestige
LoL Winterblessed Event 2023: How many tokens will it take to get the Prestige Camille skin? | © Riot Games

The 2023 League of Legends Worlds event has come to an end, which means we're going to be hopping into the next in-game event right away. This time we're going to be getting the Winterblessed 2023 event, which will run throughout all of December until the new League of Legends season kicks off.

So, not only are we going to be getting to play the brand-new mid lane champion Hwei, but we can also pick up the final prestige skin of 2023. So, what do we know about the Winterblessed event this year?


LoL Winterblessed 2023 Event: Start Date And Duration

Winterblessed Annie
Who knew that Annie would fit into such a dark skin line so well? | © Riot Games

The Winterblessed event is going to be shorter than the previous event. The Worlds 2023 event spanned more than a month. This time around we're going to have just a month to complete everything in the pass though, so Riot will likely adjust the XP gain in this event compared to the Worlds 2023 event.

The Winterblessed event kicked off on December 6, 2023, together with the final Patch of 2023. Progress for the event should end on January 1, 2024, while the token shop is going to be open until January 8, right before LoL Patch 14.1 is released.


LoL Winterblessed 2023 Event Pass & Bundle

Winterblessed Hwei
I love him already. | © Riot Games

As usual, we are going to be getting multiple options for the event passes. Depending on what option you choose, you'll be receiving various rewards, so are you going to be a high spender to pick up the Pass or the Premium Pass Bundle?

Thankfully, if you're a bit short on RP right now, make sure to pick up some extra cash thanks to Prime Gaming with an Amazon Prime account.

Event Pass


Winterblessed 2023 Pass1650 RP
  • 200 Tokens
  • 4 Winterblessed 2023 Orbs
  • Unlocking Premium Winterblessed 2023 Pass Rewards
Winterblessed 2023 Pass Bundle2650 RP
  • 200 Tokens
  • 4 Winterblessed 2023 Orbs
  • Unlocking Premium Winterblessed 2023 Pass Rewards
  • Camille
  • Winterblessed Camille Skin
  • Winterblessed Camille Border Icon & Border
Winterblessed 2023 Premium Pass Bundle3650 RP
  • 200 Tokens
  • 4 Winterblessed 2023 Orbs
  • Unlocking Premium Winterblessed 2023 Pass Rewards
  • Camille
  • Winterblessed Camille Skin
  • Winterblessed Camille Border Icon & Border
  • Winterblessed Camille Chroma
  • Winterblessed Emote

LoL Winterblessed 2023 Event Pass Rewards

Winterblessed Senna
Senna's skin is definitely a highlight. | © Riot Games

Since changing the event track in 2022, Riot have always had a few Milestones open for everyone, even those of you who didn't decide to purchase the pass. In total, there are 50 Event Pass milestones, with 50-55 being infinitely repeatable missions.

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So here are all the free event rewards and at what Milestone you can receive them. If you want a complete list of the pass, then make sure to check out the official Riot Games event page.

260 Tokens
6Winterblessed Noble Banner
1060 Tokens
12Winterblessed 2023 Crest Icon
16Maniacal Contemplation Emote
2060 Tokens
22Winterblessed 2023 Orb
26Eternals Series 1 Capsule
3060 Tokens
4060 Tokens

If you want the Winterblessed Camille Prestige Skin, then you will have to farm until milestone 50 of the event pass. That's when you'll hit the 2,000 Token mark which is how much Camille is going to cost you.

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LoL Winterblessed Event Missions

Winterblessed Lucian
Get some XP through missions! | © Riot Games

To progress along the Event Milestone path, players are able to complete missions to earn extra XP and move along faster. With the return of Arena, there are going to be multiple missions for normal League, as well as for Arena.

Arena Event Missions


ObjectiveLoL Event XP
Arena ReturnsPlay 10 games of Arena
Play 3 games of Arena in a premade party
To Victory! emote
Better Hat WinsWin 3 games of Arena after purchasing a Cappa Juice650
Bashing Through the SnowGet 30 takedowns in Arena650

Winterblessed Event Missions

MissionObjectiveLoL Event XP
Mission 1Get 40 Takedowns
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 2As a team, kill 5 Epic Monsters
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 3Kill 15 champions
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 4Get 55 vision score
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 5Kill 275 lane minions
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 6Gain 200 creep score from monsters
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 7Deal 45,000 damage to champions
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 8Deal 7,000 damage to turrets
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 9Gain 15 crow control score
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 10Get 4 killing sprees
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 11Play 2 games as a premade
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 12Deal 23,000 physical and true damage to champions
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 13Deal 20,000 magic and true damage to champions
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 14Earn 28,000 Gold
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games
Mission 15As a team, kill 3 Barons
Earn 500 points from time spent playing and winning games

LoL Winterblessed Event Loot

There is also going to be some loot boxes, as usual with this League of Legends event. There are Orbs, as well as Grab Bags available for players to purchase, either through real money or through tokens from the event.

Winterblessed LootRewards
Winterblessed 2023 Orb
  • 1 random Skin Shard and multiplies your Mythic Essence drop rate by 1.5
  • 3.5% chance to drop a Winterblessed 2023 Grab Bag
Winterblessed 2023 Grab Bag


  • 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more
  • 1 Skin Shard worth 1350 RP or less

Bonus Chance:

  • 10 Mythic Essence (5.4%)
  • 2 Skin Shards of any value (5%)
Winterblessed Exclusive PackGuaranteed:
  • 3 Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or less (80%)
  • OR 4 Skin Shards of any value (19%)
  • OR 4 Skin Permanents of any value (1%)

Bonus Chance:

  • 10 Mythic Essence (5.4%)

The Winterblessed Exclusive Pack is only going to be available as part of the 50-Orb Bundle.

These are all the bundles you can purchase:

1 Winterblessed 2023 Orb + 16 Winterblessed 2023 Tokens250 RP
10 Winterblessed 2023 Orbs + 1 Bonus Winterblessed 2023 Orb + 160 Winterblessed 2023 Tokens2500 RP
25 Winterblessed 2023 Orbs + 1 Winterblessed 2023 Grab Bag + 400 Winterblessed 2023 Tokens6250 RP
50 Winterblessed 2023 Orbs + 2 Winterblessed 2023 Grab Bags + 1 Winterblessed 2023 Exclusive Pack + 800 Winterblessed 2023 Tokens12500 RP

With the event pass and tokens you'll be able to purchase chromas, icons and borders in the vent shop. The shop will be open until January 8, 2024, so make sure you start your League of Legends grind so you can get that beautiful Camille Prestige skin!

LoL Winterblessed Rotating Game Mode — Arena Returns

Winterblessed Thresh
Thresh as the antagonist once again? Yeah, we see it. | © Riot Games

Not only are we going to be getting a bunch of in-game rewards, but we are also going to have a returning game mode for the LoL Winterblessed event this time around. While Nexus Blitz was fun for Worlds 2023, there were quite a few bugs which bothered players.

For Winterblessed 2023 we will have a return of the popular Arena game mode, which was first released this Summer for the Soul Fighter event. New cameos have been added to fit the winter theme and some even believe that Arena is going to stick around as a permanent game mode. Whether that'll be right after Winerblessed is yet to be seen though.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....