Malzahar is probably one of the most annoying champions to play against. His spell shield and ulti are just super frustrating, and those are the only two reasons why you would ever pick him. Let's be honest, he isn't a very fun champion to play. All you do is wave clear, and in the late game, all you have to do is press R. There just isn't really any outplay potential on this champion.
Malzahar has been in League for quite some time now, and he has amassed quite a big collection of skins. Even though he is featured in a lot of different skin lines, all his skins kinda look the same. I don't know if it's his clothes, but his skins look like a slightly better chroma. One positive about this, is that he doesn't really have any bad skins since his base skin is quite cool looking.
Enough talk, let's see what this purple control mage has to offer in the skin department.
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