LoL: Devs Reveal Skarner's Updated Abilties - Skarner Mains Hyped To Boulder Through Walls

Skarner's VGU is inching ever closer. According to Riot Meddler, Skarner is ready to be released early 2024 and now the few Skarner mains that exist already got a look at the updated abilities of their favorite scorpion. Are they impressed?

Skarner VGU
LoL: Skarner's new abilities look pretty fun. | © Riot Games

Riot is going to be releasing Skarner's VGU early in 2024 and it seems that the team working on the scorpion have been doing an insane job of bringing this long forgotten jungler back to life. So far we know that he will be an earth-bender of sorts from Ixtal and the abilities the devs have created go perfectly with this new lore.

Rocks and the earth are going to be an integral part of his kit, with Skarner now able to move through walls, as well as pick up boulders. But how does this all come together?


LoL: Skarner VGU Revitalizes His Kit

skarner vgu
Here is a look at the Skarner VGU. | © Riot Games

Skarner's kit just hasn't lived up to the standards of League of Legends in 2023. Sure, simple kits aren't bad. Some champions like Garen and Malphite have some of the easiest and simplest kits in the entire game, but are still viable, yet there are some simple kits that feel bad to play and Skarner is one of them.

With the Visual and Gameplay Update, Skarner will be getting a new look, new lore and new abilities. While the Skarner mains community on Reddit does agree that his current colors look dull and boring, they do think that the abilities showcased in the latest Champion Roadmap are pretty unique and fun.

Skarner's Updated Abilities

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We've previously learned of Skarner's new ultimate which will be an AoE pull, similar to his previous ultimate which was his key ability, but now some other cool new features have been added to his kit.

With his Q he will be able to tear a bit of the terrain out of the ground, using his three stingers to hold up the giant rock. While holding the rock he will either have empowered auto attacks or he can re-cast it (at least that's what it sounds like) to throw the boulder at someone to slow them and deal damage.

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His W looks pretty hilarious, with Skarner literally hopping in the air and creating a huge shockwave when he lands, which will likely slow and damage enemies.


With his E, Skarner will combine Talon, Sion and K'Sante to be able to move through walls, to get to his intended target.

Skarner continually gains movement speed with limited controls and tries to collide with a target. If he finds a target to grab he has a short window to pin them to a wall for a stun and bonus damage.

Skarner Mains Divided By Ability Changes

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The Skarner mains community is in uproar after the ability changes. Some players are shocked at the vast majority of changes to his kit, while a large part of the community seems excited to try and throw killer rocks at their opponents with his new abilities.

The fact that he is now more mobile than ever thanks to the new E is also a huge plus and has players excited to try out this new scorpion champion on Summoner's Rift.


Players are also excited that his kit will involve a lot more skill expression than before, at the cost of the Q spam which has been a main part of his kit thus far. With his ultimate almost staying the same, the ability Skarner is most known for will also feel like the old one.

Skarner's VGU should be released around early 2024, but there is no exact release date yet.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....