LoL Patch 12.18: All Buffs And Nerfs

LoL Patch 12.18 is going to be the World Championship patch. So it's important to keep an eye on all the Buffs and Nerfs this patch has to offer. We need to know which League of Legends champions we're going to be watching for the next month, right?

Fright Night Renata and Nautilus
LoL Patch 12.18 is a rather small update with some slight changes for League of Legends. | © Riot Games

At the beginning of the season, if you had told me that the best skins Riot would bring out this year would be the revamped Gothic skins I would have laughed in your face, but after the failure that were the last few skin lines, this unique look is bringing a breath of fresh air to League of Legends.

Now we're not here to talk about skins though, no, we're going to be talking about all the LoL Patch 12.18 Buffs & Nerfs right now, because it's World's time and we want to know which champions are going to be completely and utterly broken.


LoL Patch 12.18: All Buffs and Nerfs

This is going to be a small patch in terms of changes Riot is making. With this being the Patch for LoL Worlds, most big changes were already made beforehand, while this one will just balance everything. So let's check out all the buffs and nerfs we'll be getting.

Champion Buffs

Ashe (Marksmen)Ranger's Focus (Q)
  • Attack Speed: 20/25/30/35/40% ⇒ 25/32.5/40/47.5/55%
ThreshBaste Stats
  • HP Growth: 115 ⇒ 120

Flay (E)

  • Damage: 65/95/125/155/185 (+40% AP) ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215 (+40% AP)
Lee SinBase Stats
  • HP Growth: 99 ⇒ 105

Safeguard/Iron Will (W)

  • Vamp: 5/9.5/14/18.5/23% ⇒ 5/10.5/16/21.5/27%

At the start of the PBE cycle, Riot has also included some Nasus buffs, but it seems like Riot isn't about that and has decided to not include them in this patch. Sorry Nasus mains you'll have to wait a while longer.

Champion Nerfs

Miss Fortune

Base Stats

  • AD Growth: 2.7 ⇒ 2.4
  • HP Growth: 107 ⇒ 103
KalistaBase Stats
  • Base HP: 604 ⇒ 574
HecarimBase Stats
  • Base Health: 650 ⇒ 625

Rampage (Q)
  • Bonus AD Ratio: 95% ⇒ 90%
  • Ramp Damage: 4% (+6% per 100 bonus AD) ⇒ 4% (+5% per 100 bonus AD)

Spirit of Dread (W)

  • Healing: 30% (+2.5% per 100 bonus AD) ⇒ 25% (+2% per 100 bonus AD) (Note: remains halved for damage not dealt by Hecarim)
Rhaast (Kayn)Reaping Slash (Q)
  • Darkin Damage: 65% AD (+5% of the target's max health (+5% per 100% bonus AD)) ⇒ 65% AD (+5% of the target's max health (+3.5% per 100% bonus AD))
LuluWhimsy (W)
  • Move Speed: 30% ⇒ 25%
  • Polymorth Duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25 ⇒ 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 seconds
  • Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13 ⇒ 17/16.5/16/15.5/15 seconds
NocturneBase Stats
  • AD Growth: 3.1 ⇒ 2.6

Maokai and Udyr Adjustments

Maokai just got updated to fit into the jungle and top lane a little better and to give him some variety. He's been stuck as a support for some time, so Riot made a few adjustments to his kit. In this patch they're going to make a few more adjustments so he can be the best in every single role he wants to play.

ChampionAdjustments on PBE Patch 12.18
Maokai (role adjustment)Sap Magic (P)
  • Healing: 4.8-14% (based on level) ⇒ 4.5 -12% (based on level)

Bramble Smash (Q)

  • Monster Bonus Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 80/100/120/140/160

Sappling Toss (E)

  • Damage: 55/80/105/130/155 (+ 6% bonus health) (+ 42.5% AP) ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155 (+ 6% bonus health) (+ 40% AP)
  • Empowered Damage:110/160/210/260/310 (+ 12% bonus health) (+ 85% AP) ⇒ 110/160/210/260/310 (+ 12% bonus health) (+ 80% AP)
Udyr (build adjustment)Base Stats
  • Health per level: 106 ⇒ 98
  • Armor per level: 5.2 ⇒ 4.7

Wilding Claw (Q)

  • Mana Cost: 45-28 (based on level) ⇒ 20
  • [NEW] Bit of a Reach: Udyr’s first two attacks gain 50 attack range, matching the functionality of his Awakened Q
  • [NEW] Shocker: Awakened Q now deals an additional 2-5% (based on level) (+0.03% bonus AD) max health physical damage on first two attacks
  • Empowered Lightning Strike: +0.6% per 100 AP ⇒ +0.8% per 100 AP

Iron Mantle (W)

  • %HP Heal: 1.2/1.26/1.32/1.38/1.44/1.5% ⇒ 1.2%
  • %HP Shield: 2/2.4/2.8/3.2/3.6/4.0% ⇒ 2/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.2/3.5%
  • Life Steal: 15% ⇒ 15/16/17/18/19/20%

Wingborne Storm (R)

  • Magic damage: 20/38/56/74/92/110 (+40% AP) ⇒ 20/36/52/68/84/100 (+35% AP)
  • Damage to minions: 50/60/70/80% (levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 40/55/70/85% (levels 1/6/11/16)
Maokai (role adjustment)Sap Magic (P)
  • Healing: 4.8-14% --> 4.5-12%

Bramble Smash (Q)

  • Monster Bonus Damage: 40-120 --> 80-160

Sappling Toss (E)

  • AP Ratio: 42.5% --> 40%
  • Empowered AP Ratio: 85% --> 80%
Udyr (build adjustment)Base Stats
  • Health per level: 106 --> 98
  • Armor per level: 5.2 --> 4.7

Wilding Claw (Q)

  • Mana Cost: 45-28 --> 20
  • [NEW] First two hits gian 50 attack range (matches awakened functionality)
  • [NEW] Awakened version deals an additional 2-5%(+0.03% bonus AD) mac health physical damage on first two attacks
  • AP Ratio on eah lightning strike: 0.006% --> 0.008%

Iron Mantle (W)

  • %HP Heal: 1.2/1.26/1.32/1.38/1.44/1.5% --> 1.2%
  • %HP Shield: 2/2.4/2.8/3.2/3.6/4.0% --> 2/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.2/3.5%
  • Life Steal: 15% --> 15/16/17/18/19/20%0

Wingborne Storm (R)

  • Magic damage: 20/38/56/74/92/110 + 0.4AP --> 20/36/52/68/84/100 + 0.35AP
  • Damage to minions: 50/60/70/80% at levels 1/6/11/16 --> 40/55/70/85%

Udyr has been a very strong pick since his VGU, especially as a damage dealing tank, which is why Riot is going to adjust his build a little to try and make him actually purchase items before he starts dealing damage. So get ready for these adjustments in the next League of Legends Patch.


Mythic Shop Rotation in LoL Patch 12.18

This patch we are going to have some new skins in the League of Legends mythic shop. Some new gemstone skins will be exchanged in this patch, as well as new prestige skins, which get rotated every single month. One thing we will let you know right now though is that there is no new mythic chroma added.

When the mythic chromas were announced, Riot stated that these would be for older legendary skins, as well as new mythic skins and well... with a new mythic skin entering the shop, Riot won't be adding a second mythic chroma this time around.

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Skins Released in LoL Patch 12.18

This is a topic we can already talk about with Riot releasing a total of eight skins in the next League of Legends Patch. Yes, you read that right, a total of eight skins are going to be released with the new patch. One is going to be the next Ashen Knight skin and another is going to be the Worlds skin.

  • Worlds Azir
  • Ashen Slayer Sylas


These two skins are going to be exclusive, with Ashen Slayer Sylas only being available for three motnhs in the Mythic Shop, and Azir being the celebratory World Championship skin ahead of the biggest esports tournament of 2022.

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Fright Night Skins

Riot also announced the Fright Night skins during their August Champion Roadmap. Many fans were a bit put off at the sight of the new gothic style used, but these Tim Burton-esque skins look incredible, and the community has come together to praise these unique skins.

Six champinos will be getting Fright Night skins:

  • Fright Night Annie
  • Fright Night Renata Glasc
  • Fright Night Nautilus
  • Fright Night Draven
  • Fright Night Urgot
  • Fritght Night Trundle

This skin line will also see Trundle finally get a skin once more and let's be honest, the concept fits so well and the execution is also on point for the big guy in the top lane and jungle.


LoL Patch 12.18 Release Date

This patch is going to release on September 21, 2022. Get ready, because only a few days later the League of Legends World Championship is going to kick off in Mexico City with the play-in stage. Have you gotten your ticket already for the esports action?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....